The Registry is responsible for maintaining the case-files for pending cases and for keeping the register in which all the procedural documents are entered.
The Registry receives, keeps and serves the applications, pleadings and other procedural documents sent to the Court by the lawyers and agents for the parties. It is responsible for all correspondence relating to the progress of proceedings before the Court.
Court of Justice of the European Union
Registry of the Court
Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
L-2925 Luxembourg
Tel.: (352) 4303-1
Fax: (352) 43 37 66
Lodging by postal means
Procedural documents and any correspondence concerning cases before the Court of Justice must be sent to the Registry of the Court by using the postal address above or by delivering the documents or correspondence directly to the Registry offices at the Court, or, outside the Registry's opening hours, to the reception desk at the Court.
Prior transmission of a procedural document by fax or email is taken into consideration for the purposes of procedural time-limits provided that such transmission and the subsequent lodgement of the document comply with the requirements laid down in the Rules of Procedure. Such transmissions must be sent to the fax number or the email address indicated above.
Transmission by email of documents exceeding a certain volume (approximately 4 Mb) causes technical problems. To ensure correct transmission of such documents, it is therefore advisable to send the scanned document in several parts or to use fax.
Lodging by electronic means
Agents and lawyers entitled to practise before the courts of a Member State or a State party to the European Economic Area Agreement may, provided they have an account giving access to e-Curia, lodge a procedural document using that application. In that case, it is not necessary, after transmission of that document, also to send it by post or to send certified copies.
For further information: | - Procedure - The e-Curia platform of the Court of Justice of the European Union |