ICS2 End-To-End Testing for EOs

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The EU’s new advance cargo information system “Import Control System 2 (ICS2)” ensures the security of European citizens and of the single market by supporting adequate risk-based customs controls. The End-to-End (E2E) testing campaign is designed to execute the ICS2 business workflow in a way that is as close as possible to real business operations, to ensure that the IT system of the economic operators are functioning properly.

Course description

This eLearning module will introduce you to the goals of the ICS2 E2E testing, and it will focus on how to perform all the required steps in an E2E testing campaign.

The E2E testing is designed to ensure that the economic operators’ IT systems are in working order before they start performing the safety and security checks required by the ICS2 process. Each Member State can choose whether to execute the E2E testing campaign. However, doing so is strongly recommended, as this will increase assurance for Member States and economic operators before the go-live on 1 March 2023.

Target audience

This eLearning module is addressed to economic operators dealing with the ICS2 process and customs officers.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will know about the main goals of the system and its functionalities. You will have learned:

  • How E2E testing campaigns are organised;
  • How to create ENS filings for testing purposes;
  • How to execute the test scenarios.

Course duration

The time required to complete the course is around 50 minutes.


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Version: 01
26 October 2022