The September 2020 crawl archive contains 3.45 billion pages, see the announcement for details.
Data Type | File List | #Files | Total Size Compressed (TiB) |
Segments | segment.paths.gz | 100 | |
WARC | warc.paths.gz | 79600 | 81.80 |
WAT | wat.paths.gz | 79600 | 23.14 |
WET | wet.paths.gz | 79600 | 10.28 |
Robots.txt files | robotstxt.paths.gz | 79600 | 0.22 |
Non-200 responses | non200responses.paths.gz | 79600 | 2.36 |
URL index files | cc-index.paths.gz | 302 | 0.27 |
Columnar URL index files | cc-index-table.paths.gz | 900 | 0.31 |