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European data
Eurooppalaisen datan virallinen portaali
474 tulosta löytyi
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Analyyttiset raportitEurope2023
Improving data publishing by open data portal managers and owners
Improving data publishing by open data portal managers and owners
(0.59 MB - PDF)
Analyyttiset raportitEurope2023
Assessment of the value of data and other types of assets in data.europa.eu
Assessment of the value of data and other types of assets in data.europa.eu
(1.26 MB - PDF)
Analyyttiset raportitEurope2023
Rethinking the impact of open data
Rethinking the impact of open data
(4.84 MB - PDF)
Analyyttiset raportitEurope2022
Geospatial Trends 2022: Opportunities for data.europa.eu from emerging trends in the geospatial community
Geospatial Trends 2022: Opportunities for data.europa.eu from emerging trends in the geospatial community
(0.77 MB - PDF)
Analyyttiset raportitEurope2022
Sharing data (anti-)competitively - Will European data holders need to change their ways under the proposed new data legislation?
Sharing data (anti-)competitively - Will European data holders need to change their ways under the proposed new data legislation?
(0.47 MB - PDF)
Analyyttiset raportitEurope2022
The use case observatory: A 3 year monitoring of 30 reuse cases to understand the economic, governmental, social, and environmental impact of open data - volume I
The use case observatory is a research project that follows 30 reuse cases over the course of 3 years – from 2022 to 2025 – to assess how impact is created with open data, to share challenges and achievements of open data reuse cases and to add to the debate regarding open data impact assessment methodology. This report is the first of three volumes. The second and the third report will be published in 2024 and 2025.
The use case observatory: A 3 year monitoring of 30 reuse cases to understand the economic, governmental, social, and environmental impact of open data - volume I
(4.39 MB - PDF)
Analyyttiset raportitEurope2022
Real-time data 2022: Approaches to integrating real-time data sources in data.europa.eu
Real-time data 2022: Approaches to integrating real-time data sources in data.europa.eu
(1.18 MB - PDF)
Analyyttiset raportitEurope2022
Principles and recommendations to make data.europa.eu data more reusable: A strategy mapping report
Principles and recommendations to make data.europa.eu data more reusable: A strategy mapping report
(1.65 MB - PDF)
Analyyttiset raportitEurope2022
Data.europa.eu and the European common data spaces: A report on challenges and opportunities
Data.europa.eu and the European common data spaces: A report on challenges and opportunities
(1.21 MB - PDF)
Analyyttiset raportitEurope2022
Data.europa.eu and citizen-generated data: Opportunities and challenges associated to the inclusion of citizen-generated data in data.europa.eu
Data.europa.eu and citizen-generated data: Opportunities and challenges associated to the inclusion of citizen-generated data in data.europa.eu
(1.09 MB - PDF)