# LINE Social Plugins利用ガイドライン
The Guidelines are available in the following languages:
- "LINE" refers to the "LINE" service operated by the Company.
- "LINE Social Plugin Button" refers to each or all of the following: "LINE Share Button," "Add Friend Button," and "Like Button."
- "LINE Share Button" refers to the function provided by the Company under the name "LINE Share" button, to share information placed, published, or distributed on any External Sites with other Users and to post such information on Timeline.
- "Add Friend Button" refers to the function provided by the Company under the name "Add friend" button, through which a User can add a LINE Official Account or any other official accounts (hereinafter "LINE Official Account, etc.") from any External Site to the Friends list of the LINE account used by such User.
- "Like Button" refers to the function provided by the Company under the name "Like" button, through which Users recommend information placed, published or distributed on any External Site, and where Installers can display the number of Users recommending such information, or display such information on Timeline.
- "The Service" refers to the LINE Social Plugin Button service provided by the Company.
- "Dedicated Icons" refers to the LINE Social Plugin Button icons specified by the Company.
- "External Sites" refers to websites and applications managed and operated by third parties other than the Company.
- "Installers" refers to persons installing the LINE Social Plugin Button on External Sites.
- "Users" refers to end users using LINE.
- "Timeline" refers to the function through which a User can view, in chronological order, the letters, text, images and other content posted or shared by the User him/herself, his/her friends and official accounts, etc., in LINE.
Agreement to the Guidelines
- The Installer may only use the Service if the Installer agrees to the Guidelines.
- By installing the LINE Social Plugin Button on an External Site, the Installer is deemed to have agreed to the Guidelines.
Retention of Rights
The Company or any third party licensing to the Company reserves all rights (including but not limited to intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademarks, patents, etc.) associated with the LINE Social Plugin Button, Dedicated Icons, and all other aspects related to the Service.
Terms of Use
- The Company grants permission to the Installer to use the Service for the purpose of causing the information from the External Sites operated by such Installer to be shared, posted or recommended by Users, and thereby increasing the number of friends of the LINE Official Account, etc., of such External Sites, on the condition that the Installer abides by the following terms of use.
- The Installer must use the Dedicated Icons when installing the LINE Social Plugin Button on External Sites. However, the Installer may also use the text wordings specified by the Company in place of the Dedicated Icons.
- The Installer may not alter or modify the Dedicated Icons in any manner.
- The Installer may not install the LINE Social Plugin Button on a website if the design of the website interferes with the readability of the LINE Social Plugin Button.
- The Installer may not display trademarks, logos, icons, and/or other emblems that are similar to the Dedicated Icons on External Sites on which the LINE Social Plugin Button is installed.
- The Installer may not install the LINE Social Plugin Button on the following External Sites. The Company reserves final judgment on whether an External Site falls under the following categories:
- External Sites that contain excessively violent or sexually explicit expressions, expressions that may lead to discrimination based on race, nationality, religion, gender, social status, family status etc., expressions that may induce or encourage suicide, self-harm, and/or drug abuse, or any other anti-social content.
- External Sites for the purpose of meeting people for sexual encounters.
- External Sites that illegally acquire personal or privacy information.
- External Sites which display only affiliate advertising and no content, have the purpose of directing visitors to specific websites, engage in web scraping, consist of word salads, and any other External Sites that would generally be classified as spam sites (hereinafter "Spam Sites").
- External Sites that infringe upon the Company or a third party’s copyrights, trademarks, patents, other intellectual property rights, rights of honor, privacy rights, and/or other rights granted by the law or agreements.
- Any other External Sites deemed inappropriate by the Company.
- The Installer may not include information irrelevant to the External Site that the LINE Social Plugin Button is installed on (e.g. irrelevant headings, distorted and exaggerated headings that are remote from the actual contents of the webpage on which the LINE Social Plugin Button is installed on, URLs of pages other than the page on which the LINE Social Plugin Button is installed etc.) in any information to be shared or posted by Users on LINE. The Company reserves final judgment on whether the information is irrelevant to the External Site.
- The Installer may not set up, on any LINE official account, etc., to be added to the Friends list through the LINE Add Friend Button by Users, any official account of any individual, corporation and/or other organization or group, etc., which is irrelevant to the External Site on which such LINE Add Friend Button is installed. The Company reserves final judgment on whether such LINE official account, etc., is irrelevant to such External Site.
- The Installer may not include the following in the information to be shared, posted or recommended by the User on LINE, or in any LINE official account, etc., to be added by Users as a friend. The company reserves final judgment on whether the information falls under the following categories:
- Information that contain excessively violent or sexually explicit expressions, expressions that may lead to discrimination based on race, nationality, religion, gender, social status, family status etc., expressions that may induce or encourage suicide, self-harm, and/or drug abuse, or any other anti-social content.
- Information for the purpose of meeting people for sexual encounters.
- Information for the purpose of illegally acquiring personal or privacy information.
- Information for the purpose of directing Users to Spam Sites.
- Information that infringes upon the Company or a third party’s copyrights, trademarks, patents, other intellectual property rights, rights of honor, privacy rights, and/or other rights granted by the law or agreements.
- Information prohibited from being shared or posted on LINE under the LY Corporation Common Terms of Use.
- Any other information deemed inappropriate by the Company.
- The Installer may not use the Service in a manner that may mislead viewers to believe that the Company is endorsing or supporting the External Site.
- The Company may collect from the Installers’ Externals Sites the following information:
- Records of User’s LINE login activities while using the Service; and
- The URL and the timestamp of an External Site that includes Services a User visits via the browser.
The Company may use such information to switch display content such as button etc. in accordance with usage condition and to prevent from misconduct which interrupts regular provision of the Service. In addition, in order to switch display content in accordance with usage condition, the Company may collect such information with link to the LINE account if the User is logged into his/her LINE account. Furthermore, the Company may use such information in a personally identifiable manner to provide more relevant contents to Users in the future. Any personal information that the Company receives is subject to the LY Corporation Privacy Policy, which governs the Company’s collection and use of Users’ personal information. When installing the Service, Installers must ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as well as industry standards.
Alteration and Termination of the Service
The Company may modify part or all of the Service or terminate its provision without prior notice at the Company’s own discretion.
The Installer’s Responsibility
- The Company may take measures that the Company considers necessary and appropriate, such as suspending the Installer’s use of the Service, if the Company acknowledges that the Installer has used the Service in violation of the Guidelines. However, the Company shall not be responsible for correcting or preventing such violations.
- In cases where the Company has suffered a loss or damage or been charged an expense (including but not limited to legal fees) directly or indirectly (including but not limited to the case when the Company has been laid claim to by a third party) due to the Installer's use of the Service, the Installer must immediately compensate or indemnify such loss, damage and/or expense according to the Company's demand.
Exemption of Liability
- The Company does not guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, that the Service is free from de facto or legal flaws (including but not limited to safety, reliability, accuracy, integrity, effectiveness, fitness for certain purposes, security-related faults, flaws, bugs, violation of rights). The Company shall not be responsible for providing the Service without such defects.
- The Company shall not be responsible for any damages inflicted upon the Installer in relation to the use of the Service.
Modification of the Guidelines
The Company may modify the Guidelines when the Company deems necessary, without providing prior notification. The modification will become effective once the modified Guidelines are posted on an appropriate location within the website operated by the Company. The Installer shall be deemed that he/she has made valid and irrevocable consent to the modified Guidelines by continuing to use the Service.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Where the Company has provided a translation of the Japanese language version of the Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as "Japanese Version"), the Japanese Version will govern the relationship between Installers and the Company. In the event of a contradiction between the Japanese Version and a translation, the provisions in the Japanese Version shall take precedence over any other translation. The Guidelines will be governed by the laws of Japan. Conflicts between the Installer and the Company related to the Service will be governed primarily under the exclusive jurisdiction of the District Court of Tokyo.
December 21, 2012
First revision: April 1, 2013
Second revision: December 3, 2015
Third revision: December 31, 2016
Latest revision: February 1, 2024
The usage guidelines for the LINE Social Plugin (hereinafter "the Guidelines") are a set of basic rules governing the usage of the LINE Social Plugin provided by LY Corporation (hereinafter "the Company").
# 定義
# 本ガイドラインへの同意
# 権利帰属
# 利用条件
# 本サービスの変更及び中止
# 設置者の責任
# 非保証・免責
# 本ガイドラインの変更
# 準拠法・管轄