curl -o actions-runner-osx-x64-2.321.0.tar.gz -L echo "b2c91416b3e4d579ae69fc2c381fc50dbda13f1b3fcc283187e2c75d1b173072 actions-runner-osx-x64-2.321.0.tar.gz" | shasum -a 256 -c tar xzf ./actions-runner-osx-x64-2.321.0.tar.gz ./ --url --token BMOPQPZNQKB57MXE4BDDKKTHMTHJO ./
Save this configuration as com.github.actions.runner.plist in
RSS for tagExplore best practices for creating inclusive apps that cater to users with diverse abilities
Dear Team,
We are stuck in membership enrollment process at the purchase stage. We enter the payment details, get the message that our purchase will be completed in 48 hours, but after some time, it reverts back to the same stage of purchase your membership without any error or information. This has happened for 3-4 times till now.
Kindly let us know how to resolve this issue and move forward with the enrollment process.
When my app is in the background, I create a Live Activity through a push notification with token get from pushToStartTokenUpdates, and this process works fine. However, without opening the app, how can I retrieve the new push token for this Live Activity again and use it for subsequent updates to the Live Activity content?
I try with this URL App-prefs:General&path=Date&Time it work on iOS 17 but not with iOS 18
listbox not announcing selected or not selected option and which place it takes in the listbox
Works correctly on macOS safari/chrome/firefox,
Works bad on everything iOS18.1.1
I have a video for this behaviour but interface does not really allow the upload
We are using inline PhotosPicker introduced with iOS 17.0. The accessbility navigation using touch gestures work fine but the navigation through Keyboard doesn't work properly.
The tab/arrow based Keyboard navigation can't move from native app process to inline PhotosUI process or vice versa. This is logged as a high severity bug by our accessibility team.
Please look into this.
Sample code for repro:
Repro video:
Accessibility > VoiceOver > Typing > Typing Feedback
Set Character and Words
General > Keyboard > Keyboards
Add Japanese - Kana
Use iOS18.0 ~ iOS18.2
Build with Xcode16.1 ~ 16.2
What happens?
When we input "あ" in UITextField with Japanese - Kana Keyboard, it up until now it was feedback as "a". However, it is no feedback now.
On UITextView, Typing Feedback working.
On iOS17, also working.
if you are on the tik tok website on safari, you are able to view a video that originally brought you to the website the from the search log, but if you want to click on another video listed on the website, it claims you need to use the app to go farther, and upon proceeding it just brings you to the App Store regardless if you have the app already or not , and you are unable to view the video displayed on the website without searching for it separately on the app.
Following the official documentation, I'm trying to create a set of three localised Help Books.
The Help Books should be available in Spanish, English and Polish. Presently, I'm trying to complete English version.
App Structure
This is the plugin application consisting of main app and the plugin. The main app structure would looks as follows:
. <XcodeProject Top>
├── Localizable.xcstrings
├── MyAppExtension
│ ├── MyAppExtension.swift
│ └── <other swift files>.swift
│ ├── Info.plist
│ ├── +Array.swift
│ ├── +ButtonStyle.swift
│ ├── <other app swift files>.swift
├── Resources
└── Contents
├── Info.plist
└── Resources
├── English.lproj
│ ├── ExactMatch.plist
│ ├── InfoPlist.strings
│ ├── MyApp.helpindex
│ ├── MyApp.html
│ └── pgs
└── shrd
MyApp / / Info.plist file
Consists the following values:
Bundle name: MyApp
HPDBookAccessPath: MyApp.html
HPDBookTitle: My App Help
Default localization: en_gb
MyApp / Info.plist file
Contains the following entries:
Help Book directory name:
Help Book Identifier: MyApp Help
Build phase
The Copy Bundle Resources copies in MyApp/Resources.
Is the provided folder structure valid for creating a localised help books
Is there anything that is missing from across Info.plist files or is in the wrong places?
Why the MyApp -> Help opens the main help menu, not the app help
I am unable to login my App Store showing verification failed. Verification codes can’t be send at this time message showing.
please help me.
i am login my apple account in browser. Works fine. If i try to login ipad App Store? Getting verification failed.
After updating my iPhone to ios 18.2 it is unable to connect with my car which has ford sync 3.
I have tried all possibilities but no response.
can someone help?
Can’t connect to App Store. iOS 15.8.3, iPhone SE 1st edition - I need to update an App, but I can’t access App Store. Other Apps appear to work normally. AND I can’t connect the phone by cable to the PC. Both things work on my iPhone 8. No idea if the two problems are connected.
Hello community,
We're designing an app that can optionally be controlled by a stylus with a mesh tip. In this case, the mesh tip we're using is 5 mm in diameter. It seems that mesh tip contact detection is unstable in this size, although it works better with a larger diameter.
Is it possible to access a setting in iOS that lets you define the minimum contact area needed to detect a contact on the screen? This would enable us to use this 5 mm stylus.
Best regards,
Getting Robbed in the parking lot for wallet and iPhone. I needed a 2 Button shortcut to Disable Face ID iPhone Unlock. Preferably using the Camera Button and side button held for 2 seconds.
i downloaded ios 18.2 and siri returned to the old ios 17 siri.iIt wont respons.i have to click the button many times to respond and when it does it goes away.also genmoji isnt downloading
i have iphone 15 pro max
We need the pinned messages to be size customizable.
我尝试创建一个command line tool 应用,然后创建一个dylib,其核心功能是,调用苹果登录。我安装sign in with apple 的要求,先生成一个bundle ID 然后,在开发者后台注册,同时开启其 sign in whit apple 功能。然后实现ASAuthorizationAppleIDRequest相关逻辑。运行后,控制台报错提示
[siwa] Authorization failed: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7074 "(null)"。相同操作对比创建app应用 是可以拉起苹果授权登录页面。对比了一下,有两点区别:
1、在signing&capabilities里,app应用可以添加sign in with apple 的capability,而command line tool 应用不可以
2、签名的区别,app的签名里会保护描述文件信息(包括bundle id)而command line tool 应用没有。
3、应用的差别,command line tool 应用 和 app应用。
I just downloaded the public release of iOS 18.2. I found a bug when using the English India female Siri voice, it’s pronouncing certain words using the American pronunciation instead of the correct pronunciation that the voice is supposed to have. For example, the Siri voice says the American pronunciation of the word privacy. This is definitely a bug that needs to get resolved as soon as possible. Can you please fix this right away?
A lot of apps use undocumented App-prefs URLs to help users get to the iOS Settings screen needed to set up the app. In iOS 18, it seems like these all stopped working.
Here are the ones I currently use:
App-prefs:MESSAGES - broken in iOS 18
Used for SMS Protection.
App-prefs:Phone - broken in iOS 18
Used for Live Voicemail, Silence Unknown Callers, and SMS Reporting.
Some but not most paths have specific documented replacements. E.g. for Call Blocking & Identification you can use CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance.openSettings() and this still works in iOS 18. But I don't see any other direct replacements.
Apple probably doesn't consider this a bug but I filed FB14378568 anyway.
I consider this an accessibility issue because many older, inexperienced, or users with disabilities have trouble finding the right Settings screen based on a textual description alone.