馃 : Why should i learn python?
馃 : Python provides many useful features which make it popular and valuable from the other programming languages.
(1) Easy to Learn and Use 馃摎
Python is simple to learn with straightforward syntax resembling English. No semicolons or curly brackets; indentation defines code blocks. It's perfect for beginners!
(2) Expressive Language 鉁嶏笍
Python can handle complex tasks with minimal code. For example, print("Hello World") takes just one line, unlike Java or C which need multiple lines.
(3) Interpreted Language 馃攳
Python executes one line at a time, making debugging easy and the language portable.
(4) Cross-platform Language 馃寪
Python runs on Windows, Linux, UNIX, and macOS, making it highly portable. Write once, run anywhere!
(5) Free and Open Source 馃捀
Python is free and open-source, available at www.python.org. A large global community contributes to its modules and functions.
(6) Object-Oriented Language 馃З
Python supports object-oriented concepts like classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, promoting reusable code and efficient application development.
(7) Extensible 馃敆
Python code can be compiled with languages like C/C++ and used within Python programs, making it versatile and powerful.
(8) Large Standard Library 馃摎
Python boasts a vast library collection for machine learning (TensorFlow, Pandas, Numpy), web development (Django, Flask), and more.
(9) GUI Programming Support 馃枼锔�/strong>
Libraries like PyQT5, Tkinter, and Kivy facilitate the development of desktop applications with graphical user interfaces.
(10) Integrated 馃К
Python integrates seamlessly with languages like C, C++, and Java, running code line by line and simplifying debugging.
(11) Embeddable 馃攧
Code from other programming languages can be embedded in Python, and vice versa, allowing for flexible code integration.
(12) Dynamic Memory Allocation 馃摝
No need to specify variable data types; Python automatically allocates memory at runtime, simplifying code writing. For example, just write x = 15.
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