Whether you're a seasoned Arch user or a beginner, this cheat sheet has got your back. Let鈥檚 dive in! 馃鈥嶁檪锔忊殹
馃洜锔� System Management
馃攧 Update the system
sudo pacman -Syu
馃摜 Install a package
sudo pacman -S <package_name>
馃棏锔� Remove a package
sudo pacman -R <package_name>
馃Ч Clean up unused dependencies
sudo pacman -Rns <package_name>
馃攳 Search for a package in the repo
pacman -Ss <package_name>
馃搩 List installed packages
pacman -Q
馃摝 AUR (Arch User Repository) Management
馃専 Install yay
(popular AUR helper)
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git
cd yay
makepkg -si
馃摜 Install a package from AUR
yay -S <package_name>
馃攧 Update all packages (including AUR)
yay -Syu
馃棏锔� Remove a package (AUR or repo)
yay -R <package_name>
馃捑 File System and Disk Management
馃搳 Check disk space usage
df -h
馃梻锔� Check directory size
du -sh <directory_name>
馃搨 Mount a disk
sudo mount /dev/<device_name> /mnt
馃毆 Unmount a disk
sudo umount /mnt
馃洜锔� List all drives and partitions
鉁忥笍 Format a drive to ext4
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/<device_name>
馃懃 User Management
鉃� Add a new user
sudo useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash <username>
馃攽 Set a password for a user
sudo passwd <username>
馃攧 Switch to another user
su - <username>
鉂� Delete a user
sudo userdel -r <username>
馃寪 Networking
馃摗 Display active connections
ip a
馃敡 Enable/disable a network interface
sudo ip link set <interface> up
sudo ip link set <interface> down
馃洔 Test network connectivity
ping <hostname_or_IP>
鈾伙笍 Restart NetworkManager
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
鈿欙笍 System Services
馃搵 Check the status of a service
systemctl status <service_name>
鈻讹笍 Start/鈴癸笍 Stop/馃攧 Restart a service
sudo systemctl start <service_name>
sudo systemctl stop <service_name>
sudo systemctl restart <service_name>
馃殌 Enable a service at startup
sudo systemctl enable <service_name>
鉀� Disable a service at startup
sudo systemctl disable <service_name>
馃惂 Kernel and Boot Management
馃摐 List installed kernels
ls /boot/vmlinuz*
馃攧 Update GRUB configuration
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
馃摜 Install a new kernel
sudo pacman -S linux-lts
馃棏锔� Remove an old kernel
sudo pacman -R linux-<version>
馃殤 Troubleshooting
馃 View system logs
journalctl -xe
馃殌 View boot logs
dmesg | less
鉂� Check failed systemd units
systemctl --failed
鉁� Other Handy Commands
馃Ч Clean the package cache
sudo pacman -Sc
馃惂 Show Arch Linux system info
馃寧 Generate a mirrorlist
sudo reflector --latest 20 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
鉁忥笍 Edit pacman configuration
sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf
馃捑 Save this cheat sheet, and take your Arch Linux journey to the next level! 馃帀
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