DEV Community

John  Ajera
John Ajera

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Building a Simple Cloud-Native App with Docker

Building a Simple Cloud-Native App with Docker

In this demo, we'll create a basic cloud-native application using Docker. This app will run in a container, and we鈥檒l explore how Docker enables cloud-native principles such as portability and isolation.

Step 1: Create a Simple Node.js Microservice

  • First, create a server.js file:
  const express = require('express');
  const app = express();
  const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;

  app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.send('Hello from Docker Cloud-Native App!');

  app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Server running on port ${port}`);
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  • Install dependencies:
  npm init -y
  npm install express
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Step 2: Dockerize the Application

  • Create a Dockerfile to define the container:
  # Use official Node.js image from Docker Hub
  FROM node:20

  # Set working directory inside the container
  WORKDIR /app

  # Copy package.json and install dependencies
  COPY package*.json ./
  RUN npm install

  # Copy the rest of the app's source code
  COPY . .

  # Expose the port the app will run on
  EXPOSE 3000

  # Command to run the app
  CMD ["node", "server.js"]
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Step 3: Build and Run the Docker Container

  • Build the Docker image:
  docker build -t cloud-native-app .
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  • Run the container:
  docker run -p 3000:3000 cloud-native-app
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Step 4: Access the Application

  • Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000. You should see:
  Hello from Docker Cloud-Native App!
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You've successfully built and run a simple cloud-native application using Docker. This app is now isolated in a container, and you can easily move or scale it across different environments without worrying about dependencies.

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