Wakatime is a tool designed to help developers and programmers track the amount of time spending coding, analyze productivity, and pursue self-improvement.
Install Wakatime for Visual Studio Code:
Here鈥檚 a step-by-step guide to installing the Wakatime extension in Visual Studio Code and connecting it with your Wakatime account using your API key:
- Install Wakatime Extension in Visual Studio Code: Open Visual Studio Code. Click on the Extensions icon on the left sidebar or press Ctrl + Shift + X. In the search bar, type Wakatime. Click on the Wakatime extension by Wakatime and then click Install.
- Sign Up/Log In to Your Wakatime Account: Visit the Wakatime website. If you don鈥檛 have an account, click Sign Up and create one. If you already have an account, simply log in.
- Retrieve Your API Key: After logging in, click on your profile picture at the top right and select Settings from the dropdown menu. In the Account Settings page, you鈥檒l find the API Key under API Key section. Copy your API Key.
- Connect Wakatime to Visual Studio Code: Go back to Visual Studio Code. If the Wakatime extension was installed successfully, it should prompt you to enter your API Key. Paste the key you copied. If you didn鈥檛 receive the prompt, you can trigger it by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P), typing Wakatime: API Key, and selecting it. Paste your API Key and press Enter.
Automatically tracks the time spent coding in various projects and programming languages.
Provides detailed insights into how much time is spent on each project or language.
Analyzes coding habits and productivity patterns to help developers and programmers understand their workflow.
Helps in identifying areas for improvement and optimizing coding efficiency.
Integrates with popular IDEs and text editors through plugins. By installing these plugins, Wakatime can track your coding activity directly within your development environment.
Offers a dashboard where you can view your activity, including time spent on projects, files, and languages.
Generates reports and visualizations to help you review your coding trends and productivity.
Since you use WakaTime, you can integrate it with GitHub to show your coding activity in your profile README.
Provides insights that can guide you in setting and achieving coding goals.Helps in balancing work and preventing burnout by monitoring coding hours.
Top comments (8)
Nice, does it work for smaller teams?
Yes u can there is team dashboard where you can track coding activity, see project time breakdowns, and analyze productivity trends for each team member
Pretty cool!
Thank you
Thank you馃グ