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Cover image for PagerDuty Community Update, October 20 2023
Mandi Walls for PagerDuty Community

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PagerDuty Community Update, October 20 2023

PagerDuty’s Getting a New Look!

Check it out! PagerDuty’s main website has a fresh new design! Find out how the superstars on our brand team put it all together!

📝 Take the PagerDuty API Survey

We want to hear from you! Tell us how familiar you are with different PagerDuty APIs and integrations, as well as what (if anything) is preventing you from using them. Login to the PagerDuty Community Forums and take the PagerDuty API survey challenge.

📺 Managing Major Incident Communications Channels

Your chat platform / internal text communication method of choice can help responder teams and stakeholders manage comms during and after incidents. There’s lots of ways to organize incident communications, depending on your organization and workflows. PagerDuty uses Slack and we have a number of different channels for managing the communication and coordination of incidents.

🎟︄17 Find us in person!

Where in the world is PagerDuty DevRel? The next few months are packed with PagerDuty Advocates worldwide in Taiwan and London!

Other Dutonians you’ll find out and about:

  • Earlier this week, PagerDuty's Senior Director of Data Science Mitra Goswani presented Expedition to the LLM And AI Frontier to LeadDev West Coast. Mitra was a guest at the Unplanned Show last August and spoke about learnings from building with large language models (LLMs). Watch here 👈

    Sanghamitra Goswami on LinkedIn: #ai

    PagerDuty #AI squad at LeadDev Rebecca Larsen

  • Everaldo Aguiar (Senior Engineering Manager) will represent PagerDuty at AIDevWorld in Santa Clara (CA), Oct 24-26, with AI in AIOps: Minimizing Disruption and Accelerating Incident Resolution.

Find more Dutonians at our global events. 👋 Come say hi if you’re there and share your experience with us - we’re happy to connect and spread the Pagey love!

We’re Virtual!

🎧 On the Podcast(s)

This week Mandi talked to JJ Asghar of IBM about whether you really need to devolve that monolith into microservices, or if you should just leave it alone. Listen online now!

Subscribe to Page It To the Limit so you never miss an episode! We’ve got a bunch of great episodes in the pipeline for you, including our 100th episode on November 7th!

📺 On Our Live Streams

We’re on Twitch, covering all things PagerDuty, with some of our streams also broadcasting on LinkedIn!

Our regular shows are:

  • The Unplanned Show with Dormain! Mondays at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific (check other timezones here). Catch up on past episodes in this YouTube playlist.
    Upcoming episode:

    • October 23: Meg Watson (Product Lead @ Spotify) & Dev Advocate Tiago Barbosa on PagerDuty plug-in for Backstage on Twitch, LinkedIn, or YouTube
  • Terraform Time! Wednesdays at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific with José Antonio! (check other timezones here)

  • HowTo Happy Hour: Fridays at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific (check other timezones here)
    Upcoming guests:

    • Postponed Friday, October 20, Mya King joins us to talk about what’s new in the PagerDuty Slack integration. We’ll let you know the new date soon!
    • Friday, October 27, Alex Quintana will join the stream to talk about what’s new in Onboarding and Operational Maturity!
    • Coming in November, new features in Analytics!

Make sure you’re following us so you can be there live! You can view our most recent episodes on Twitch and LinkedIn. See some of our earlier streams on the YouTube playlist.

🤝 Get in Touch

Join the PagerDuty Community and connect with super users to learn best practices, network, ask questions, share your thoughts, showcase your projects, give product feedback and more!

Would you like to be on our podcast, Twitch live, blog or next community meetup? Login/sign up to PagerDuty Community and submit or work here, or email us at We’d love to hear what you’re doing with PagerDuty!

💚 Follow us on Social Media!

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