So let's assume you have this REST API in whatever foo language, how will you document it if in hurry or you don't want to do complex things just for the sake of it.
Let's have a discussion and share resources (-.-)
PS: It's 11pm here so I may be on sleep mode after some time.
Top comments (11)
Swagger will do magic....But postman documentation is divine
I hear about swagger a lot
You can use content negotiation.
Whenever your API receives a request with
Accept: text/html
you respond with a static HTML file. It documents the resource available at the requested path. Your resources become self-documenting.The HTML files can link to other resources served by your API. This makes it easier to navigate the entire documentation in a web browser.
I like this approach for its simplicity. It doesn't need any library and it works in every framework. Its main weakness is maintainability; the documentation won't keep itself up to date automatically.
I'll be reading this in depth, heard for the first time. Thanks for sharing this :)
Swagger UI and ReDoc is nice. Fastapi also uses both.
The ReDoc documentation for an API I worked with was very nice, easy to read.
I see this redoc more often than swagger when exploring REST APIs, probably because of the UI
I'm seriously considering making a theme with clean ui for this stuff which would be autogenerated for APIs. I mean seriously, not every project needs swagger, but maybe we are going a level higher every few months to be not considered as laid-back .. 馃槀
You should consider optic. It monitors your traffic and generates the endpoints and data associated with each end point.
Oo.. Nice. Will try it out asap
There is an interesting one combining Swagger, Postman, and JMeter. Great one: Apidog. At least take a try.