Hier siehst du einige beliebte Tipps in Budapest. Wähle eine Vorliebe, um noch mehr anzuzeigen:

Foursquare hilft dir dabei, die perfekten Orte in Budapest für dich und deine Freunde zu finden:

  • Leute sagen außerdem (107 Tipps):

    • Ceren E.
      Ceren Eryilmaz: "You feel like you're transported into Paris when you walk into this patisserie. you can watch very special macaroons get made while you're sipping your coffee by the counter. Everything's delicious."
  • 9.2


    Weinbar Bókay János u. 52. Budapest, Budapest

    Leute sagen außerdem (16 Tipps):

    • Martin P.
      Martin Paluch: "Cozy bohemian wine bar on the outskirts of the gentrified part of the 8th district. Great choice of rare Hungarian wines, tapas, craft beers and spirits along with a friendly and welcoming staff."
  • 9.6


    Aussichtspunkt Budapest, Budapest

    Leute sagen außerdem (47 Tipps):

    • We Love Budapest
      We Love Budapest: "Normafa is a great destination both in winter and summer. The busiest point of the Buda Hills is covered with pleasant walking trails, making it perfect for hiking as well as relaxing picnics."
  • 9.3


    Feinschmeckerladen Perc u. 8. Budapest, Budapest

    Leute sagen außerdem (17 Tipps):

  • 9.4

    Bors Gasztrobár

    Suppen-Laden Kazinczy u. 10. Budapest, Budapest

    Leute sagen außerdem (453 Tipps):

    • Ulrike R.
      Ulrike Rothe: "Die Baguettes sind super lecker. Selbst wenn es voll ist, bekommt man schnell sein Essen."
  • 9.3

    Diamante fagyizó

    Eisdiele Rétköz utca 47 b Sasad, Budapest

    Leute sagen außerdem (14 Tipps):

    • Tamas L.
      Tamas Leel-Ossy: "Hatalmas adagok, korrekt árak, szerintem Budapest (egyik) legjobb fagyizója."

Über diese Orte reden die Leute in Budapest:

  • 9.4


    Insel Margitsziget Budapest, Budapest

    Leute sagen außerdem (165 Tipps):

    • Nikka
      Nikka: "Oase of silence where you can relax or do some excersise. It is a huge island with many sport yards, relaxing park zones, cute forest zoo and many culture and refreshing spots surrounded by nature."
    • Mark B.
      Mark B: "Good sized park that has a petting zoo, athletic park, restaurants and a bathhouse I believe. You can take the public transport boats to and from either side of the City. Buda or Pest. Nice park."
  • 9.3

    Szent István Bazilika tetőtéri kilátó

    Aussichtspunkt Szent István tér 1. Budapest, Budapest

    Leute sagen außerdem (26 Tipps):

    • Ele G.
      Ele Gagnidze 유: "Entry free however right in front of entrance there is a charity box. Eur 1 is kind of mandatory to put there. Church is magnificent both inside & outside."
    • Shaileshwori S.
      Shaileshwori Sharma: "The view from the top is unparalleled and very different from the one you get on the Buda side from Fisherman's Bastion. Tip: watch the sunset from here!"
  • 9.3


    Kirche Szent István tér 1. Budapest, Budapest

    Leute sagen außerdem (242 Tipps):

    • Carolin F.
      Carolin F.: "Eines der Wahrzeichen der Stadt. Vorbeischauen lohnt sich. Die kostenpflichtige Tour kann man sich mMn sparen."
    • Reyhan S.
      Reyhan Safarnegaar: "Try the vision of the basilica at night! It's breathtaking. Buy a nice ice cream at gelato rosa, walk around the basilica and enjoy the silence. Sit in the outdoor seats of the cafes around the plaza."

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