Electronic submissions
Due to an internal IT maintenance operation, sending documents with EUSend web will not be possible from Friday 28th of March at 12:00 until Monday 31st of March at 9:00.
Submissions can be made via email to the DMA registry (comp-dma-registryec [dot] europa [dot] eu (comp-dma-registry[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)). We thank you for your understanding.
Electronic submissions are possible via:
DG Competition's Registry for DMA
Due to technical constraints, the size of a single email sent to DG Competition should not exceed 15 MB. Contrary to EU SEND, emails are not an encrypted channel of communication and your content is less secure.
Secure document exchange platform
EU SEND requires prior registration. Transmissions exceeding the size limitations should be transmitted in two or three parts. A transmittal form provided by EU SEND must be completed correctly and diligently.
Electronic submissions sent by registered post
- Transmissions of over 10 gigabytes in size may be sent by registered post to the Commission’s DG Competition or hand delivered to the Commission’s Central Mail using hard disk drives, formatted in Microsoft Windows-compatible, uncompressed data in a USB 2.0 or 3.0 external enclosure.
- Transmissions of under 10 gigabytes in size. If the Commission exceptionally agrees that other means of transmission may be used (e.g. if EU SEND is not available), documents may be sent by registered post to DG Competition or hand delivered to the Commission’s Central Mail using external storage devices.
Paper submissions
Paper submissions delivered by hand or sent by registered post
Exceptionally, if the Commission agrees that submitting documents digitally is not feasible, a paper submission may be hand delivered or sent by registered post to the Commission’s Central Mail. In this case, the following must be submitted:
- a hand signed paper copy of the complete submission;
- two digital copies of the full submission in external storage devices for information (not signed); and
- a hand signed declaration stating that the signed paper copy and the digital copies are identical.
- Power of Attorney if relevant.
Documents sent by registered post should be addressed to the Commission’s DG Competition at the following address:
European Commission
Digital Markets Act Registry
1049 Brussels (Belgium)
Documents by means of hand delivery can be brought to the Commission’s Central Mail at the following address: Avenue du Bourget 1, 1140 Brussels, every working day between 7:00 CET and 16:30 CET.
Signing documents electronically
To be considered valid, notifications (Form GD) and the Power of Attorney (sent to DG Competition digitally) must be signed using at least one Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) complying with the requirements set out in Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 (the “eIDAS Regulation”). Other types of electronic signatures, such as scanned signatures or Advanced Electronic Signatures as defined in the eIDAS Regulation that do not meet the requirements of QES are not accepted. Please see the Communication on the transmission of documents for more information.
Only paper submissions delivered by hand or sent by registered post can be hand signed.
Format of submissions
For notifications and transmission of any other documents, please make submissions in line with the format as specified in Commission Implementing Regulation 2023/814.
Notifications and submissions must be drafted in one of the official languages of the Union, as specified in Commission Implementing Regulation 2023/814.
For more information about the language regime of the Union, please consult Languages, multilingualism, language rules | European Union (europa.eu).