Digital transformation is our present and future. Preparing ourselves with the right knowledge and skills today will help us lead in the future. A strong digital sector is vital for the European Union; it will boost economic growth, create new jobs, and make EU companies more competitive. All around Europe the structure of employability is changing, the automatisation of certain tasks and the creation of new roles have formed a significant gap between what employers need and what job seekers are offering. At the same time, digitalisation is changing the objective, methodology, and content of education.
A wide variety of initiatives has been running at both EU and national levels, aiming at making digital transformation work for people and businesses. These actions target various groups, and cover various aspects of digital and technology, ensuring an inclusive digital Europe that leaves no one behind. Strong collaboration between the EU and Member States and across all sectors is needed more than ever.
The Digital Skills and Jobs Platform brings together public and private stakeholders to tackle the lack of digital skills and improve employability in Europe. In this section, you will find information about European and national initiatives on boosting digital transformation and helping Europeans make the best of it.
The European initiatives section includes EU policy, projects, and other EU measures to promote, spread and share European-based schemes.
The National strategies section focuses on National Action plans, National Digital Strategies, and other national actions dedicated to digital jobs and skills. Learn how the EU and your country support citizens and organisations to enter the digital era and be part of it!