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Cyber Skills Academy - Knowledge and training

Cyber Skills Academy Knowledge & Training banner with some books and a university hat on top

Training courses, campuses and academies available in the EU

Knowledge generation to boost the EU cyber workforce through a common EU approach and definition to cybersecurity training

Under this pillar the Academy will address three main aspects: 

  • Training opportunities, initiatives and organisations relating to cyber skills.
  • National and EU Cybersecurity Campuses and Academies: browse what national cybersecurity campuses and academies propose and explore what trainings EU institutions have to offer!
  • Information on Cybersecurity Certifications
  • Frameworks for defining, providing and assessing cyber skills.

Some insights into these aspects are given below. If you want to propose any other relevant information on these aspects, send us your proposal here!

National and EU Cybersecurity Campuses and Academies

Discover all the national and European Campuses and Academies. You can browse them below to find out more.

Member States Academies and Campuses

Existing tools and frameworks of roles profiles and curricula

The Academy will foster knowledge generation through education and training by working on a common baseline for cybersecurity role profiles and associated skills, enhancing the European education and training offer to meet the needs, building career pathways, and providing visibility and clarity over cybersecurity trainings and certifications to enhance the supply side of the labour.

Do you want to identify roles profiles?

The European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) is a practical tool to support the identification and articulation of tasks, competences, skills and knowledge associated with the roles of European cybersecurity professionals.


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Useful specific tools to design cybersecurity skills curricula

  • ECSO’s Minimum Reference Curriculum provides guidance on designing training courses for all levels on cybersecurity.
  • SPARTA Curricula Designer is a web application that allows users to create new or upload existing higher education study programmes and analyse their content according to requirements of work roles on a job market.
  • ACM and IEEE Cybersecurity Curricula Framework (CSEC2017 Joint Task Force, 2017) outlines curriculum guidelines for post-secondary degree programmes in cybersecurity.
  • CyberSec4Europe curricula frameworks aims to provide a unifying structure and terminology for cybersecurity knowledge areas, topics, and skills, intended to serve as solid common ground for designing and assessing education and training in cybersecurity.
  • Concordia teaching cybersecurity & cyber-safety in high-school provides a methodology and associated guidelines in support of the teachers when preparing to teach cyber-security and cyber-safety to high-school students


Other EU-wide useful tools to define a common understanding on skills, including cyber

There are many existing tools and frameworks that have been developed at EU-level, in cooperation with Member States, to facilitate a common understanding on skills as well as their cross-border recognition. While these have a broad scope to cover many kinds of skills, they can be also relevant to cybersecurity skills’ frameworks.

  • ESCO aims to support job mobility across Europe and therefore a more integrated and efficient labour market, by offering a “common language” on occupations and skills that can be used by different stakeholders on employment and education and training topics. 
  • The EU developed the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) as a translation tool to make national qualifications easier to understand and more comparable. The EQF seeks to support cross-border mobility of learners and workers, promote lifelong learning and professional development across Europe.
  • The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) provides a common understanding of what digital competence is.
  • Europass is a set of online tools to help with creating CVs, cover letters, and also help users to find jobs and courses in the EU.
  • Launched in 1994, EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, designed to facilitate the free movement of workers.

You will find more information on other frameworks and general resources useful also for cybersecurity skills in the Careers section of the Digital Skills & Jobs Platform.

European cyber ranges

You can find all the European Cyber Ranges in the Annex of this ECSO document.

Education and training opportunities

Higher education and training opportunities

Professional certifications for cybersecurity

There are many organisations that provide professional certifications in cybersecurity, recognised across the public and private sectors.

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More training resources

If you want to discover more training opportunities on cybersecurity, please visit the Training section of the Digital Skills & Jobs Platform. Moreover, the Platform has information on many relevant resources for cyber skills