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Výsledky vyhledávání (696)

Framework contract for the monitoring of public sector innovation and supporting services — SMART 2013/0072

<strong>DG CNECT has decided to cancel the ongoing procurement procedure for Lot 1 of the call SMART 2013/0072 - Framework Contract for the Monitoring of Public Sector Innovation and supporting services, and re-publish the call for that lot. The cancelation is due to the fact that some CPV codes were erroneously omitted from the original publication.</strong></p>
<strong>DG CNECT will re-publish the call for tenders for Lot 1 of the before mentioned procedure and allow a similar time period as the one allowed originally for tender preparation: 46 days. The corrigendum will shortly be published in the Official Journal</strong></p>

oooo Reflections from USA & Australia

The Experts of the International Outreach for Human-Centric AI ( project, conducted a series of video interviews to reflect AI related approaches from around the world.