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New Cybersecurity compendium on how to protect integrity of elections published

Today, the Member States, with the support of the Commission and ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, have published a new compendium on how to protect the integrity of elections from a cybersecurity perspective.

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Since the last EU elections in 2019, the threat landscape has worsened, including the acceleration of hacktivists-for-hire activities and an increase in the sophistication of methods used by threat actors.

At the same time, the electoral processes have undergone technological advancements. Therefore, the core elements of this edition include: an update of the elections threat landscape, new and revised case studies, cybersecurity best practices and an examination of the potential threats deriving from emerging technologies that could affect elections’ resilience, namely Foreign Information Manipulation Interference (FIMI), disinformation on social media, AI and deep fakes.

The new edition of the Compendium lays out recommendations to Member States, steps to take and useful guidance in managing potential cyber incidents throughout the election processes. Amongst the proposed measures are best practices on information sharing, awareness raising and trainings together with risk management, cybersecurity support for campaigns, parties and candidates, as well e-voting technology. This edition includes the underlying cybersecurity issues in each stage of the elections cycle. 

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