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Shaping Europe’s digital future


Otsingutulemused (11)

HofladenBOX: Baieri auhinnatud digiplatvorm edendab ELi vahendite abil maapiirkondade ettevõtlust

2021. aasta maapiirkondade inspiratsiooni auhinna võitja, HofladenBOXi digiplatvormi internetipõhine kauplemiskoht ühendab kohalikke väiketootjaid klientidega, et edendada Baieri liidumaal Fürthi piirkonnas maapiirkondade äritegevust. „Tahtsime muuta toidu ostmise viisi,“ selgitab Mareike Schalk, kes asutas HofladenBOXi koos Birgit Wegneriga, kasutades ELi LEADERi vahendeid. Kohaliku turu loomine vähendab kulusid ja heitkoguseid ning toetab selle maapiirkonna arengut töökohtade ja paremate teenustega. Ühenduvus on HofladenBOXi jaoks väga oluline: „Maapiirkondade atraktiivsuse säilitamiseks on

Liidu olukord: Komisjon visandab tee digikümnendisse, et tagada ELi edukas digipööre 2030. aastaks

Komisjon tegi sel nädalal ettepaneku luua tee digikümnendisse. See on konkreetne kava meie ühiskonna ja majanduse digipöörde saavutamiseks 2030. aastaks. Kavandatud tee digikümnendisse muudab ELi 2030. aasta digieesmärgid konkreetseks rakendusmehhanismiks. Sellega luuakse juhtimisraamistik, mis põhineb iga-aastasel liikmesriikidega tehtava koostöö mehhanismil, et saavutada liidu tasandil 2030. aasta digikümnendi eesmärgid digioskuste, digitaristu, ettevõtete digitaliseerimise ja avalike teenuste valdkonnas. Samuti on selle eesmärk teha kindlaks ja rakendada suuremahulisi digiprojekte, millesse

e-Commerce in the EU: How you can make the most out of it as a consumer

The Internet has transformed the way we shop. However, persistent online barriers prevent us from enjoying the full access to the goods and services being offered by businesses in the EU. Since the launch of the Digital Single Market Strategy in May 2015, the European Union has been working to break down these barriers. This factsheet summarises what the EU has been doing to boost e-commerce and to create new opportunities for consumers, turning the Digital Single Market into a reality.

Ending unjustified Geoblocking: a short guide for online traders

On 3 December 2018, new rules on geoblocking will enter into force. These measures part of a wider packet of measures under the Digital Single Market Strategy, aimed at boosting cross-border e-commerce in the European Union. These rules will ensure better access to goods and services offered online, create greater certainty for business and build trust amongst consumers and reduce transaction costs and the administrative burden for businesses.

Ending unjustified Geoblocking to boost online shopping in the EU

Geoblocking makes it hard for online shoppers to buy from a website based in another EU country. This is why, in 2016, the European Commission proposed new rules to end discrimination on the basis of nationality or place of residence, as part of the Digital Single Market strategy. The new rules – which will enter into force as of 3 December 2018 – will ensure that consumers no longer face unjustified barriers such as being re-routed back to a country-specific website, or having to pay with a debit or credit card from a certain country.

Rules against unjustified geoblocking enter into force

The new rules against unjustified geoblocking entered into force on 22 March 2018 and will be a reality for citizens as of 3 December 2018 – they will be able to find the best deals online when buying goods and services across the EU without being discriminated based on nationality and residence.