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Plasmare il futuro digitale dell'Europa

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Startup Europe Success Stories (Storie di successo dell'Europa)

Al fine di contribuire a costruire un ecosistema europeo forte in cui le start-up possano prosperare, Startup Europe &Innovation Radar nell'ambito del programma Orizzonte 2 020 ha finanziato nove progetti. I progetti Startup Europe hanno fornito servizi di accelerazione a 770 start-up selezionate che coprono 39 paesi. Il "Innovation Radar" ha individuato innovatori ad alto potenziale nel programma R &Ie ha fornito un sostegno ai mercati a oltre 500 innovatori che successivamente hanno raccolto oltre 600 milioni di EUR di finanziamenti per la crescita.

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  • SLUSH 2019 venue, Messukeskus Siipi Conference Centre, Press room, Messuaukio 1, 00520 Helsinki, Finland
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  • Trade Fair and Congress Center of Malaga, Avenida José Ortega y Gasset 201, 29006, Cortijo de Torres II, Málaga, Andalucía
Sweden signs up to Innovation Radar

Sweden has joined the Innovation Radar, an initiative supported by the European Commission, which identifies high potential innovations and the key innovators behind them in Horizon 2020 projects.

Launch of the Digital Innovation and Scale-up Initiative (DISC)

In order to address the investment gap in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe (CESEE) in the digital economy, the European Commission together with the European Investment Bank, the European Investment Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the World Bank Group agreed to launch the Digital Innovation and Scale-up Initiative (DISC). The initiative, launched at the Digital Assembly in Bucharest, is setting up the first regional investment facility that specifically targets digital innovations and the scale-up of digital startups in the CESEE region.

Key Takeaways and Policy Recommendations from Startup Europe Summit 2019

This year’s Startup Europe Summit in Cluj-Napoca marks a highpoint for this annual event. Startups have become essential actors in addressing significant societal challenges. It’s therefore important to keep supporting the work of the European startup community and their interaction with EU and national authorities . It’s necessary to jointly think about how to tackle future.