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Shaping Europe’s digital future

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Għażliet tat-Tfittxija

Riżultati tat-Tfittxija (1166)

  • Press release
  • 17 Marzu 2014

Vice President Neelie Kroes warmly welcomed the announcement of the United States Government to "transition out of the IANA function", which will allow a more global multi-stakeholder basis for an important element of governance of the Internet.

infographic on 5G
  • Press release
  • 24 Frar 2014

By 2020 there will be more than 30 times as much mobile internet traffic as there was in 2010. But this will not be the same type of traffic as now - Internet usage will not only have grown thanks to the number of smartphones & tablets in use, but also because of the massive growth in machines and sensors using the Internet to communicate, and which require more efficient and ubiquitous technology to carry the data traffic.

  • Brochure
  • 21 Frar 2014

The Infographic explains the evolution of the mobile connection experience from 1G to 5G

  • Policy and legislation
  • 11 Frar 2014

On this page, you can read the full text of the Communication on "Internet Policy and Governance - Europe's role in shaping the future of Internet Governance"