Cloud and infrastructure

Digital infrastructure means hardware and software. It Includes physical and virtual “cloud” storage spaces.

Digital infrastructure includes hardware and software components that build the foundation of information technology systems. When you save a file online instead of on your own computer, you’re saving it virtually in “the cloud.” The cloud is a network of remote servers, storage, databases, and other resources accessed over the internet, rather than being maintained onsite in a physical data center.

Circular No. A-130 - Managing Information as a Strategic Resource

Circular No. A-130 - Managing Information as a Strategic Resource

Resources on Cloud and infrastructure

  • Cloud Smart: Federal Cloud Computing Strategy

    Founded on three key pillars of successful cloud adoption—security, procurement, and workforce—the Cloud Smart strategy includes 11 action items from the Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council.

Tools and Services


    A FedRAMP approved cloud hosting platform that makes it easy for federal agencies to get on the cloud by simplifying procurement, security, and compliance.

  • FedRAMP

    The Federal Risk and Authorization Management (FedRAMP) is a process that authorizes cloud products and services.

  • Pages

    A publishing platform that helps federal partners launch, maintain and manage Government websites.

Join a Community of Practice

  • Cloud and Infrastructure

    A community for those who support their agency’s IT modernization efforts, and want to learn about application rationalization, data center optimization, and federal cloud computing.

Cloud and infrastructure events

In this webinar, we will provide a technical overview of including a visual representation of its architecture, marketplace services, content delivery networks, and how to engage with
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In this webinar, we will answer commonly asked questions about and explain how using enables development teams to deploy applications quickly and securely.
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Cloud and infrastructure news

Transition Post 3: Managing Electronic Messages and Social Media Accounts

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released a new blog on the management of federal records and transitions for federal agencies. Shedding light on the usage of agency-managed communication platforms and social media accounts, agencies are given instructions on how to best comply with the requirements outlined in the Federal Records Act.— via National Archives and Records Administration

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Nov 08, 2024

FedRAMP governance

The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) has recently updated its governance structure to better serve its customers. Learn about their recently-formed FedRAMP Board, composed of federal executives; the FedRAMP Technical Advisory Group (TAG), composed of technology experts; and updates made to the Federal Security Cloud Advisory Committee (FSCAC). These groups collectively aim to strengthen and expand FedRAMP’s cloud service capabilities.— via FedRAMP

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Jun 04, 2024

Extended comment period on draft FedRAMP memo

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is requesting public comment on a new draft memorandum to strengthen and enhance the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). The comment period for the Modernizing the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) memo has been extended to December 22, 2023.— via FedRAMP

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Nov 30, 2023

More News and Events on Cloud and infrastructure

23 posts

Transition Post 3: Managing Electronic Messages and Social Media Accounts

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released a new blog on the management of federal records and transitions for federal agencies. Shedding light on the usage of agency-managed communication platforms and social media accounts, agencies are given instructions on how to best comply with the requirements outlined in the Federal Records Act.— via National Archives and Records Administration

nara logo
Nov 08, 2024

FedRAMP governance

The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) has recently updated its governance structure to better serve its customers. Learn about their recently-formed FedRAMP Board, composed of federal executives; the FedRAMP Technical Advisory Group (TAG), composed of technology experts; and updates made to the Federal Security Cloud Advisory Committee (FSCAC). These groups collectively aim to strengthen and expand FedRAMP’s cloud service capabilities.— via FedRAMP

fedramp logo
Jun 04, 2024

Extended comment period on draft FedRAMP memo

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is requesting public comment on a new draft memorandum to strengthen and enhance the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). The comment period for the Modernizing the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) memo has been extended to December 22, 2023.— via FedRAMP

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Nov 30, 2023

Making Infrastructure Less Invisible

Over the last year, there has been a constant stream of activity at the .gov registry, but most of it hasn’t been on display. This post highlights some of the work to make .gov the most boringly secure, conventionally unconventional domain for governments.— via DotGov Registry

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Sep 14, 2022

GSA’s New Multi-Cloud & Hybrid Cloud Guide Helps Agencies Make Better Decisions About Cloud Architecture

GSA’s New Multi-Cloud & Hybrid Cloud Guide Helps Agencies Make Better Decisions About Cloud Architecture—Agencies need informed strategies to understand, anticipate, rationalize, and optimize major cloud architecture decisions. To facilitate the decision process, the GSA Data Center and Cloud Optimization Initiative Program Management Office (DCCOI PMO) is pleased to announce the release of the Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Guide, developed in collaboration with the Cloud and Infrastructure Community of Practice (C&I CoP). This guide is another example of GSA’s commitment to creating simple, user-friendly information and resources to help federal agencies use technology to meet their missions in an effective and efficient way.— via General Services Administration

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Dec 09, 2021

GSA’s Fedramp Celebrates 10 Years of Impact on Cloud Security

GSA’s FedRAMP Celebrates 10 Years of Impact on Cloud Security—Today, the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) celebrates its 10-year anniversary. On December 8, 2011, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) signed a memo establishing FedRAMP to provide a cost-effective, risk-based approach for the adoption and use of cloud services. This landmark reflects GSA and FedRAMP’s commitment to protecting public and federal information through supporting IT modernization and securing IT infrastructure. Over the past ten years, the program has seen an incredible increase in the adoption of FedRAMP-authorized services and will play a critical role in improving the nation’s cybersecurity.— via General Services Administration

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Dec 08, 2021

Unique Vulnerability Counts with Container Scanning

Unique Vulnerability Counts with Container Scanning—As Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) start to submit their container vulnerability scans in order to meet Container Scanning Guidance requirements, stakeholders monitoring submissions should expect to see large increases in the number of unique vulnerabilities. Learn what’s different, and the potential impact for agencies and CSPs.— via FedRAMP

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Dec 02, 2021

The New

The New—FedRAMP is excited to announce the launch of our revamped website. Thanks to feedback from our partners and stakeholders, the website has an improved user experience that makes FedRAMP information and resources more accessible. The website provides more in-depth information about FedRAMP’s authorization process, enabling agencies, Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), and Third-Party Assessment Organizations (3PAOs) to easily access pertinent information related to their role in the FedRAMP Authorization process.— via FedRAMP

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Feb 16, 2021
In this webinar, we will provide a technical overview of including a visual representation of its architecture, marketplace services, content delivery networks, and how to engage with
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Making Critical Government Information More Resilient

Making Critical Government Information More Resilient—A roundup of steps that federal agencies, and other government entities, can take right now to improve the resilience of their websites and serve information more efficiently to the people that need it.— via 18F

18f logo
Jun 04, 2020
In this webinar, we will answer commonly asked questions about and explain how using enables development teams to deploy applications quickly and securely.
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