Virksomheder på Trustpilot må ikke tilbyde incitamenter eller betale for at skjule anmeldelser.


  1. Butik med udstyr til vinduesbehandling
  2. Markiseleverandør
  3. Gardinbutik
  4. Indretningsarkitekt

Om Hillarys

Skrevet af virksomheden

Hillarys - For the window wise

Don't settle for off the shelf, with Hillarys your window dressings will look good, fit perfectly and are up to the challenge of every day life. It's what we've been doing over 50 years.

With advisors local to you, book a free in-home appointment at a time that suits you including weekends, evenings and weekdays. As part of your appointment, your local advisor will bring our full range of samples for you to choose from, offering their expert advice and solutions for your windows, with solutions to suit every home and every budget.

When you choose Hillarys, measuring and fitting is always included, and everything is tailor made so you can be sure of a stress-free, stylish solution at your windows that will last for years to come.

Guarantees & Aftercare

Product Guarantees

We take the greatest of care to make sure that your gorgeous made-to-measure blinds, curtains, shutters and awnings look and fit exactly as they should. And because we want you to be completely satisfied with your window dressings, we offer a full 12 month warranty which starts the moment your products are fitted.

That’s our promise to you that you’re investing in a quality product that’s made to the highest specifications. As part of your warranty we promise to repair or replace any faulty goods free of charge

When you choose stunning made-to-measure shutters, awnings or conservatory blind systems you can be confident that you’re investing in quality craftsmanship that’s built to last. In addition to the standard 12 month warranty, our 5 year peace of mind guarantee is our assurance that our products will stand the test of time.

The 5 year peace of mind guarantee is an extended care plan that starts from the day your window dressings are fitted and extends up to the fifth anniversary of your fitting date. For a nominal call out fee, we promise to repair or replace any faulty shutters, awnings or conservatory blinds completely free of charge.


Promotion box for Hillarys

Big Winter Sale

Up to HALF PRICE on selected styles. Plus an extra 10% off everything



TrustScore 4,5 ud af 5

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Virksomheder kan bede deres kunder skrive en anmeldelse ved hjælp af automatiske invitationer. Denne type anmeldelser handler om reelle oplevelser og markeres "Verificeret".

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Det kan påvirke TrustScoren, når man tilbyder incitamenter i bytte for anmeldelser, eller når man kun spørger bestemte kunder, og det er imod vores retningslinjer.

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