Integrating AWS Elemental MediaTailor with Google Ad Manager - AWS Elemental MediaTailor

Integrating AWS Elemental MediaTailor with Google Ad Manager

Integrate MediaTailor with Google Ad Manager (Ad Manager) for programmatic access to an online, auction-driven marketplace where ad impressions can be bought and sold in real time. You must have an account set up with Ad Manager, then you can integrate with Ad Manager in the following ways:

  • A server-side integration using an SSL certificate.

  • A client-side player integration using the Programmatic Access Libraries (PAL) SDK. This integration is required if you want to use the open auction transaction type.

Ad Manager support for programmatic transaction types varies based on the type of integration that you're using. For a list of available options, see Transaction types or contact your Google account team.

The following sections describe these integrations in detail.