Monitoring your metric streams with CloudWatch metrics - Amazon CloudWatch

Monitoring your metric streams with CloudWatch metrics

Metric streams emit CloudWatch metrics about their health and operation in the AWS/CloudWatch/MetricStreams namespace. The following metrics are emitted. These metrics are emitted with a MetricStreamName dimension and with no dimension. You can use the metrics with no dimensions to see aggregated metrics for all of your metric streams. You can use the metrics with the MetricStreamName dimension to see the metrics about only that metric stream.

For all of these metrics, values are emitted only for metric streams that are in the Running state.

Metric Description


The number of metric updates sent to the metric stream. If no metric updates are streamed during a time period, this metric is not emitted during that time period.

If you stop the metric stream, this metric stops being emitted until the metric stream is started again.

Valid Statistic: Sum

Units: None


This is calculated as MetricUpdate + a number based on additional statistics that are being streamed.

For each unique namespace and metric name combination, streaming 1-5 additional statistics adds 1 to the TotalMetricUpdate, streaming 6-10 additional statistics adds 2 to TotalMetricUpdate, and so on.

Valid Statistic: Sum

Units: None


The number of unrecoverable errors that occur when putting data into the Firehose delivery stream. If no errors occur during a time period, this metric is not emitted during that time period.

If you stop the metric stream, this metric stops being emitted until the metric stream is started again.

Valid Statistic: Average to see the rate of metric updates unable to be written. This value will be between 0.0 and 1.0.

Units: None