Set up, configure, and manage your application for monitoring using the command line
This section provides steps for setting up, configuring, and managing your application for monitoring using the AWS CLI and AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell.
Command line procedures
- Add and manage an application
- Manage and update monitoring
- Configure monitoring for SQL Always On Availability Groups
- Configure monitoring for MySQL RDS
- Configure monitoring for MySQL EC2
- Configure monitoring for PostgreSQL RDS
- Configure monitoring for PostgreSQL EC2
- Configure monitoring for Oracle RDS
- Configure monitoring for Oracle EC2
Add and manage an application
You can add, get information about, manage, and configure your Application Insights application using the command line.
Add an application
Add an application using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to add an application for your resource group
called my-resource-group
, with OpsCenter enabled to
deliver the created opsItem to the SNS topic ARN
, use the
following command.
aws application-insights create-application --resource-group-name
--ops-center-enabled --ops-item-sns-topic-arnarn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:MyTopic
Add an application using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to add an application for your resource group
called my-resource-group
with OpsCenter enabled to
deliver the created opsItem to the SNS topic ARN arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:MyTopic
use the following command.
New-CWAIApplication -ResourceGroupName
-OpsCenterEnabled true -OpsItemSNSTopicArnarn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:MyTopic
Describe an application
Describe an application using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to describe an application created on a resource
group called my-resource-group
, use the following
aws application-insights describe-application --resource-group-name
Describe an application using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to describe an application created on a
resource group called my-resource-group
, use the
following command.
Get-CWAIApplication -ResourceGroupName
List components in an application
List components in an application using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to list the components created on a resource
group called my-resource-group
, use the following
aws application-insights list-components --resource-group-name
List components in an application using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to list the components created on a resource
group called my-resource-group
, use the following
Get-CWAIComponentList -ResourceGroupName
Describe a component
Describe a component using the AWS CLI
You can use the following AWS CLI command to describe a component
called my-component
that belongs to an application
created on a resource group called
aws application-insights describe-component --resource-group-name
Describe a component using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
You can use the following AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell command to describe a
component called my-component
that belongs to an
application created on a resource group called
Get-CWAIComponent -ComponentName
Group similar resources into a custom component
We recommend grouping similar resources, such as .NET web server instances, into custom components for easier onboarding and better monitoring and insights. Currently, CloudWatch Application Insights supports custom groups for EC2 instances.
To group resources into a custom component using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to group three instances (arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-11111
and arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-33333
together into a custom component called my-component
for an application created for the resource group called
, use the following command.
aws application-insights create-component --resource-group-name
--resource-listarn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-11111 arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-22222 arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-33333
To group resources into a custom component using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to group three instances
together into a custom component called my-component
for an application created for the resource group called
, use the following
New-CWAIComponent -ResourceGroupName
Ungroup a custom component
To ungroup a custom component using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to ungroup a custom component named
in an application created on the
resource group, my-resource-group
, use the following
aws application-insights delete-component --resource-group-name
To ungroup a custom component using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to ungroup a custom component named
in an application created on the
resource group, my-resource-group
, use the following
Remove-CWAIComponent -ComponentName
Update an application
Update an application using the AWS CLI
You can use the AWS CLI to update an application to generate AWS
Systems Manager OpsCenter OpsItems for problems detected with the
application, and to associate the created OpsItems to the SNS topic
, using
the following command.
aws application-insights update-application --resource-group-name
--ops-center-enabled --ops-item-sns-topic-arnarn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:MyTopic
Update an application using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
You can use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to update an application to generate
AWS SSM OpsCenter OpsItems for problems detected with the
application, and to associate the created OpsItems to the SNS topic
, using
the following command.
Update-CWAIApplication -ResourceGroupName
-OpsCenterEnabled true -OpsItemSNSTopicArnarn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:MyTopic
Update a custom component
Update a custom component using the AWS CLI
You can use the AWS CLI to update a custom component called
with a new component name,
, and an updated group of
instances, by using the following command.
aws application-insights update-component --resource-group-name
--resource-listarn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-44444 arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-55555
Update a custom component using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
You can use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to update a custom component called
with a new component name,
, and an updated group of
instances, by using the following command.
Update-CWAIComponent -ComponentName
Manage and update monitoring
You can manage and update monitoring for your Application Insights application using the command line.
- List problems with your application
- Describe an application problem
- Describe the anomalies or errors associated with a problem
- Describe an anomaly or error with the application
- Describe the monitoring configurations of a component
- Describe the recommended monitoring configuration of a component
- Update the monitoring configurations for a component
- Remove a specified resource group from Application Insights monitoring
List problems with your application
List problems with your application using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to list problems with your application detected
between 1,000 and 10,000 milliseconds since Unix Epoch for an
application created on a resource group called
, use the following
aws application-insights list-problems --resource-group-name
List problems with your application using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to list problems with your application
detected between 1,000 and 10,000 milliseconds since Unix Epoch for
an application created on a resource group called
, use the following
$startDate = "
8/6/2019 3:33:00
" $endDate = "8/6/2019 3:34:00
" Get-CWAIProblemList -ResourceGroupNamemy-resource-group
Describe an application problem
Describe an application problem using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to describe a problem with problem id
, use the following command.
aws application-insights describe-problem —problem-id
Describe an application problem using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to describe a problem with problem id
, use the following command.
Get-CWAIProblem -ProblemId
Describe the anomalies or errors associated with a problem
Describe the anomalies or errors associated with a problem using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to describe the anomalies or errors associated
with a problem with problem id p-1234567890
, use the
following command.
aws application-insights describe-problem-observations --problem-id
Describe the anomalies or errors associated with a problem using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to describe the anomalies or errors
associated with a problem with problem id p-1234567890
use the following command.
Get-CWAIProblemObservation -ProblemId
Describe an anomaly or error with the application
Describe an anomaly or error with the application using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to describe an anomaly or error with the
application with the observation id o-1234567890
, use
the following command.
aws application-insights describe-observation —observation-id
Describe an anomaly or error with the application using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to describe an anomaly or error with the
application with the observation id o-1234567890
, use
the following command.
Get-CWAIObservation -ObservationId
Describe the monitoring configurations of a component
Describe the monitoring configurations of a component using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to describe the monitoring configuration of a
component called my-component
in an application created
on the resource group my-resource-group
, use the
following command.
aws application-insights describe-component-configuration —resource-group-name
Describe the monitoring configurations of a component using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to describe the monitoring configuration of a
component called my-component
, in an application
created on the resource group my-resource-group
, use
the following command.
Get-CWAIComponentConfiguration -ComponentName
For more information about component configuration and for example JSON files, see Work with component configurations.
Describe the recommended monitoring configuration of a component
Describe the recommended monitoring configuration of a component using the AWS CLI
When the component is part of a .NET Worker application, you can
use the AWS CLI to describe the recommended monitoring configuration
of a component called my-component
in an application
created on the resource group my-resource-group
, by
using the following command.
aws application-insights describe-component-configuration-recommendation --resource-group-name
Describe the recommended monitoring configuration of a component using AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
When the component is part of a .NET Worker application, you can
use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to describe the recommended monitoring
configuration of a component called my-component
in an
application created on the resource group
, by using the following
Get-CWAIComponentConfigurationRecommendation -ComponentName
For more information about component configuration and for example JSON files, see Work with component configurations.
Update the monitoring configurations for a component
Update the monitoring configurations for a component using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to update the component called
in an application created on the
resource group called my-resource-group
, use the
following command. The command includes these actions:
Enable monitoring for the component.
Set the tier of the component to
.NET Worker
. -
Update the JSON configuration of the component to read from the local file
aws application-insights update-component-configuration --resource-group-name
--monitor --component-configuration "file://configuration.txt
Update the monitoring configurations for a component using the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to update the component called
in an application created on the
resource group called my-resource-group
, use the
following command. The command includes these actions:
Enable monitoring for the component.
Set the tier of the component to
.NET Worker
. -
Update the JSON configuration of the component to read from the local file
[string]$config = Get-Content -Path
Update-CWAIComponentConfiguration -ComponentNamemy-component
-Monitor 1 -ComponentConfiguration$config
For more information about component configuration and for example JSON files, see Work with component configurations.
Remove a specified resource group from Application Insights monitoring
Remove a specified resource group from Application Insights monitoring using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to remove an application created on the resource
group called my-resource-group
from monitoring, use the
following command.
aws application-insights delete-application --resource-group-name
Remove a specified resource group from Application Insights monitoring using the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
To use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to remove an application created on the
resource group called my-resource-group
monitoring, use the following command.
Remove-CWAIApplication -ResourceGroupName
Configure monitoring for SQL Always On Availability Groups
Create an application for the resource group with the SQL HA EC2 instances.
aws application-insights create-application ‐-region
Define the EC2 instances that represent the SQL HA cluster by creating a new application component.
aws application-insights create-component ‐-resource-group-name "
" ‐-component-name SQL_HA_CLUSTER ‐-resource-list "arn:aws:ec2:<REGION>
" "arn:aws:ec2:<REGION>
Configure the SQL HA component.
aws application-insights update-component-configuration ‐-resource-group-name "<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>" ‐-region <REGION> ‐-component-name "SQL_HA_CLUSTER" ‐-monitor ‐-tier SQL_SERVER_ALWAYSON_AVAILABILITY_GROUP ‐-monitor ‐-component-configuration '{ "subComponents" : [ { "subComponentType" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "alarmMetrics" : [ { "alarmMetricName" : "CPUUtilization", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "StatusCheckFailed", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "Processor % Processor Time", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "Memory % Committed Bytes In Use", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "Memory Available Mbytes", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "Paging File % Usage", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "System Processor Queue Length", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "Network Interface Bytes Total/sec", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "PhysicalDisk % Disk Time", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Buffer Manager Buffer cache hit ratio", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Buffer Manager Page life expectancy", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:General Statistics Processes blocked", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:General Statistics User Connections", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Locks Number of Deadlocks/sec", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:SQL Statistics Batch Requests/sec", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Database Replica File Bytes Received/sec", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Database Replica Log Bytes Received/sec", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Database Replica Log remaining for undo", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Database Replica Log Send Queue", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Database Replica Mirrored Write Transaction/sec", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Database Replica Recovery Queue", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Database Replica Redo Bytes Remaining", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Database Replica Redone Bytes/sec", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Database Replica Total Log requiring undo", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "SQLServer:Database Replica Transaction Delay", "monitor" : true } ], "windowsEvents" : [ { "logGroupName" : "WINDOWS_EVENTS-Application-<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>", "eventName" : "Application", "eventLevels" : [ "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL", "INFORMATION" ], "monitor" : true }, { "logGroupName" : "WINDOWS_EVENTS-System-<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>", "eventName" : "System", "eventLevels" : [ "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL" ], "monitor" : true }, { "logGroupName" : "WINDOWS_EVENTS-Security-<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>", "eventName" : "Security", "eventLevels" : [ "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL" ], "monitor" : true } ], "logs" : [ { "logGroupName" : "SQL_SERVER_ALWAYSON_AVAILABILITY_GROUP-<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>", "logPath" : "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL**.MSSQLSERVER\\MSSQL\\Log\\ERRORLOG", "logType" : "SQL_SERVER", "monitor" : true, "encoding" : "utf-8" } ] }, { "subComponentType" : "AWS::EC2::Volume", "alarmMetrics" : [ { "alarmMetricName" : "VolumeReadBytes", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "VolumeWriteBytes", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "VolumeReadOps", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "VolumeWriteOps", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "VolumeQueueLength", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "VolumeThroughputPercentage", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "BurstBalance", "monitor" : true } ] } ] }'
Application Insights must ingest Application Event logs (information level) to detect cluster activities such as failover.
Configure monitoring for MySQL RDS
Create an application for the resource group with the RDS MySQL database instance.
aws application-insights create-application ‐-region
The error log is enabled by default. The slow query log can be enabled using data parameter groups. For more information, see Accessing the MySQL Slow Query and General Logs.
set slow_query_log = 1
set log_output = FILE
Export the logs to be monitored to CloudWatch logs. For more information, see Publishing MySQL Logs to CloudWatch Logs.
Configure the MySQL RDS component.
aws application-insights update-component-configuration ‐-resource-group-name "
" ‐-region<REGION>
‐-component-name "<DB_COMPONENT_NAME>
" ‐-monitor ‐-tier DEFAULT ‐-monitor ‐-component-configuration "{\"alarmMetrics\":[{\"alarmMetricName\":\"CPUUtilization\",\"monitor\":true}],\"logs\":[{\"logType\":\"MYSQL\",\"monitor\":true},{\"logType\": \"MYSQL_SLOW_QUERY\",\"monitor\":false}]}"
Configure monitoring for MySQL EC2
Create an application for the resource group with the SQL HA EC2 instances.
aws application-insights create-application ‐-region
The error log is enabled by default. The slow query log can be enabled using data parameter groups. For more information, see Accessing the MySQL Slow Query and General Logs.
set slow_query_log = 1
set log_output = FILE
Configure the MySQL EC2 component.
aws application-insights update-component-configuration ‐-resource-group-name "
" ‐-region<REGION>
‐-component-name "<DB_COMPONENT_NAME>
" ‐-monitor ‐-tier MYSQL ‐-monitor ‐-component-configuration "{\"alarmMetrics\":[{\"alarmMetricName\":\"CPUUtilization\",\"monitor\":true}],\"logs\":[{\"logGroupName\":\"<UNIQUE_LOG_GROUP_NAME>
\",\"logPath\":\"C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\MySQL\\\\MySQL Server **\\\\Data\\\\<FILE_NAME>
Configure monitoring for PostgreSQL RDS
Create an application for the resource group with the PostgreSQL RDS database instance.
aws application-insights create-application ‐-region
Publishing PostgreSQL logs to CloudWatch is not enabled by default. To enable monitoring, open the RDS console and select the database to monitor. Choose Modify in the upper right corner, and select the check box labeled PostgreSQL log. Choose Continue to save this setting.
Your PostgreSQL logs are exported to CloudWatch.
Configure the PostgreSQL RDS component.
aws application-insights update-component-configuration --region
--monitor --tier DEFAULT --component-configuration "{ \"alarmMetrics\":[ { \"alarmMetricName\": \"CPUUtilization\", \"monitor\": true } ], \"logs\":[ { \"logType\": \"POSTGRESQL\", \"monitor\": true } ] }"
Configure monitoring for PostgreSQL EC2
Create an application for the resource group with the PostgreSQL EC2 instance.
aws application-insights create-application ‐-region
Configure the PostgreSQL EC2 component.
aws application-insights update-component-configuration ‐-region
‐-monitor ‐-tier POSTGRESQL ‐-component-configuration "{ \"alarmMetrics\":[ { \"alarmMetricName\":\"CPUUtilization\", \"monitor\":true } ], \"logs\":[ { \"logGroupName\":\"<UNIQUE_LOG_GROUP_NAME>
\", \"logPath\":\"/var/lib/pgsql/data/log/\", \"logType\":\"POSTGRESQL\", \"monitor\":true, \"encoding\":\"utf-8\" } ] }"
Configure monitoring for Oracle RDS
Create an application for the resource group with the Oracle RDS database instance.
aws application-insights create-application ‐-region
Publishing Oracle logs to CloudWatch is not enabled by default. To enable monitoring, open the RDS console and select the database to monitor. Choose Modify in the upper right corner, and select the check boxes labeled Alert log and Listener log. Choose Continue to save this setting.
Your Oracle logs are exported to CloudWatch.
Configure the Oracle RDS component.
aws application-insights update-component-configuration --region
--monitor --tier DEFAULT --component-configuration "{ \"alarmMetrics\":[ { \"alarmMetricName\": \"CPUUtilization\", \"monitor\": true } ], \"logs\":[ { \"logType\": \"ORACLE_ALERT\", \"monitor\": true }, { \"logType\": \"ORACLE_LISTENER\", \"monitor\": true } ] }"
Configure monitoring for Oracle EC2
Create an application for the resource group with the Oracle EC2 instance.
aws application-insights create-application ‐-region
Configure the Oracle EC2 component.
aws application-insights update-component-configuration ‐-region
‐-monitor ‐-tier ORACLE ‐-component-configuration "{ \"alarmMetrics\":[ { \"alarmMetricName\":\"CPUUtilization\", \"monitor\":true } ], \"logs\":[ { \"logGroupName\":\"<UNIQUE_LOG_GROUP_NAME>\", \"logPath\":\"/opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/*/*/trace\", \"logType\":\"ORACLE_ALERT\", \"monitor\":true, }, { \"logGroupName\":\"<UNIQUE_LOG_GROUP_NAME>\", \"logPath\":\"/opt/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/$HOSTNAME/listener/trace/\", \"logType\":\"ORACLE_ALERT\", \"monitor\":true, } ] }"