What is AWS Compute Optimizer?
AWS Compute Optimizer is a service that analyzes your AWS resources' configuration and utilization metrics to provide you with rightsizing recommendations. It reports whether your resources are optimal, and generates optimization recommendations to reduce the cost and improve the performance of your workloads. Compute Optimizer also provides graphs showing recent utilization metric history data, as well as projected utilization for recommendations, which you can use to evaluate which recommendation provides the best price-performance trade-off. The analysis and visualization of your usage patterns can help you decide when to move or resize your running resources, and still meet your performance and capacity requirements.
Compute Optimizer provides a console
Supported resources
Compute Optimizer generates recommendations for the following resources:
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups
Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes
AWS Lambda functions
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) services on AWS Fargate
Commercial software licenses
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) DB instances and storage
For Compute Optimizer to generate recommendations for these resources, they must meet a specific set of requirements, and must have accumulated sufficient metric data. For more information, see Resource requirements.
Opting in
You must opt in to have Compute Optimizer analyze your AWS resources. The service supports standalone AWS accounts, member accounts of an organization, and the management account of an organization. For more information, see Opting in to AWS Compute Optimizer.
Analyzing metrics
After you opt in, Compute Optimizer begins analyzing the specifications and the utilization metrics of your resources from Amazon CloudWatch for the last 14 days. For example, for Amazon EC2 instances, Compute Optimizer analyzes the vCPUs, memory, storage, and other specifications. It also analyzes the CPU utilization, network in and out, disk read and write, and other utilization metrics of currently running instances. For more information, see Metrics analyzed by AWS Compute Optimizer.
Enhancing recommendations
After you opt in, you can enhance your recommendations by activating recommendation preferences, such as the enhanced infrastructure metrics paid feature. It extends the metrics analysis look-back period for EC2 instances, including instances in EC2 Auto Scaling groups, to three months (compared to the 14-day default). For more information, see Recommendation preferences.
Viewing findings and recommendations
Optimization findings for your resources are displayed on the Compute Optimizer dashboard. For more information, see Using the AWS Compute Optimizer dashboard.
The top optimization recommendations for each of your resources are listed on the recommendations page. The top 3 optimization recommendations and utilization graphs for a specific resource are listed on the resource details page. For more information, see Viewing resource recommendations.
Export your optimization recommendations to record them over time, and share the data with others. For more information, see Exporting AWS Compute Optimizer recommendations.
To view the currently supported AWS Regions and endpoints for Compute Optimizer, see Compute Optimizer Endpoints and Quotas in the AWS General Reference.