Amazon Connect bot metrics and analytics - Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect bot metrics and analytics

The following flow driven metrics are available on the Flows and conversational bot performance dashboard and the GetMetricDataV2.

Average bot conversation time

The average duration of completed conversations for which the invoking resource (flow or flow module) started between the specified start and end time. It can be filtered on specific conversation outcomes with BOT_CONVERSATION_OUTCOME_TYPE metric level filter.

In the GetMetricDataV2 API, this metric can be retrieved by using AVG_BOT_CONVERSATION_TIME.

Data for this metric is available starting from December 2, 2024 00:00:00 GMT.

Type: String (hh:mm:ss)

Category: Flow driven metric

Calculation logic: Sum(Conversation Start Time - Conversation End Time of all filtered conversations) / (Count of all filtered conversations)

Average bot conversation turns

The average number of turns for completed conversations for which the invoking resource (flow or flow module) started between the specified start and end time. It can be filtered on specific conversation outcomes with BOT_CONVERSATION_OUTCOME_TYPE metric level filter.

A single turn is a request from the client application and a response from the bot.

In the GetMetricDataV2 API, this metric can be retrieved by using AVG_BOT_CONVERSATION_TURNS.

Data for this metric is available starting from December 2, 2024 00:00:00 GMT.

Type: Double

Category: Flow driven metric

Calculation logic: Sum(Conversation Turn of all filtered conversations) / (Count of all filtered conversations)

Bot conversations completed

The count of completed conversations for which the invoking resource (flow or flow module) started between the specified start and end time. The conversation end time can be beyond the specified end time.

For example, if you request this metric with start time at 9 AM and end time at 10 AM, the result includes conversations where the invoking resource (flow or flow module):

  • started at 9:15 AM and ended at 9:40 AM

  • started at 9:50 AM and ended at 10:10 AM

but will exclude conversations for which the invoking resource (flow or flow module):

  • started at 8:50 AM and ended at 9:10 AM

In the GetMetricDataV2 API, this metric can be retrieved by using BOT_CONVERSATIONS_COMPLETED.

Data for this metric is available starting from December 2, 2024 00:00:00 GMT.

It can be filtered on the following conversation outcomes using metric level filter BOT_CONVERSATION_OUTCOME_TYPE.

  • SUCCESS: The final intent in the conversation is categorized as success.

  • FAILED: The final intent in the conversation is failed. The conversation is also failed if Amazon Lex V2 defaults to the AMAZON.FallbackIntent.

  • DROPPED: The customer does not respond before the conversation is categorized as success or failed.

Type: Integer

Category: Flow driven metric

Calculation logic: Total count of conversations

Bot intents completed

The count of completed intents. It includes intents for completed conversations where the invoking resource (flow or flow module) started between the specified start and end time.

In the GetMetricDataV2 API, this metric can be retrieved by using BOT_INTENTS_COMPLETED.

Data for this metric is available starting from December 2, 2024 00:00:00 GMT.

It can be filtered on the following intent outcomes using metric level filter BOT_INTENTS_OUTCOME_TYPE.

  • SUCCESS: The bot successfully fulfilled the intent. One of the following situations is true:

    • The intent state is ReadyForFulfillment and the type of dialogAction is Close.

    • The intent state is Fulfilled and the type of dialogAction is Close.

  • FAILED: The bot failed to fulfill the intent. The intent state. One of the following situations is true:

    • The intent state is Failed and the type of dialogAction is Close (for example, the user declined the confirmation prompt).

    • The bot switches to the AMAZON.FallbackIntent before the intent is completed.

  • SWITCHED: The bot recognizes a different intent and switches to that intent instead, before the original intent is categorized as a success or failed.

  • DROPPED: The customer does not respond before the intent is categorized as success or failed.

Type: Integer

Category: Flow driven metric

Calculation logic: Total count of intents

Percent bot conversations outcome

The percentage of total conversations that ended in the specific outcome type specified in the metric level filter (BOT_CONVERSATION_OUTCOME_TYPE). It only includes completed conversations for which the invoking resource (flow or flow module) started between the specified start and end time.

In the GetMetricDataV2 API, this metric can be retrieved by using PERCENT_BOT_CONVERSATIONS_OUTCOME.

Data for this metric is available starting from December 2, 2024 00:00:00 GMT.

Type: Percent

Category: Flow driven metric

Calculation logic: (Count of conversations with BOT_CONVERSATION_OUTCOME_TYPE)/(Total count of conversations) * 100

Percent bot intents outcome

The percentage of intents that ended in the specific outcome type specified in the metric level filter (BOT_INTENT_OUTCOME_TYPE). It includes intents in completed conversations where the invoking resource (flow or flow module) started between the specified start and end time.

In the GetMetricDataV2 API, this metric can be retrieved by using PERCENT_BOT_INTENTS_OUTCOME.

Data for this metric is available starting from December 2, 2024 00:00:00 GMT.

Type: Percent

Category: Flow driven metric

Calculation logic: (Count of intents with BOT_INTENT_OUTCOME_TYPE)/(Total count of intents) * 100