Viewing your budgets - AWS Cost Management

Viewing your budgets

You can view the state of your budgets at a glance on the Budgets Overview page. Your budgets are listed in a filterable table along with the following data:

  • Your current costs and usage incurred for a budget during the budget period

  • Your budgeted costs or usage for the budget period

  • Your forecasted usage or costs for the budget period

  • A percentage that shows your costs or usage compared to your budgeted amount

  • A percentage that shows your forecasted costs or usage compared to your budgeted amount

To view your budgets
  1. Open the Billing and Cost Management console at

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Budgets.

  3. To see the filters and cost variances for your budgets, choose the budget's name in your list of budgets.


    You can view information about multiple budgets at once by selecting the check boxes in the Overview table. This opens a split-view panel on the right-hand side, where you can sort or filter the alerts to customize a budget report.

Reading your budgets

You can view detailed information about your budgets in two ways.

  • Select your budget in the table to open a split-view panel with budget history and alert status on the right-hand side. In the split-view panel, navigation buttons allow you to move between budgets without leaving the page. To use the navigation buttons, select one budget at a time. When multiple budgets are selected, the navigation buttons are hidden.

  • Choose your budget's name to see the budget details page. This page includes the following information:

    • Current vs. budgeted – Your current incurred costs compared to your budgeted costs.

    • Forecasted vs. budgeted – Your forecasted costs compared to your budgeted costs.

    • Alerts – Any alerts or notifications about the state of your budgets.

    • Details – The amount, type, time period, and any other additional parameters for your budget.

    • Budget history tab – A chart and table that show the history of your budget. QUARTERLY budgets show the last four quarters of history, and MONTHLY budgets show the last 12 months. Budget history isn't available for ANNUAL budgets.

      If you change the budgeted amount for a budget period, then the budgeted amount in the table is the last budgeted amount. For example, if you have a monthly budget set for 100 in January and you change the budget to 200 in February, then the February line in the table shows only the 200 budget.

    • Alerts tab – More details for any alerts about the state of your budget, including a Definition that describes the conditions for exceeding the alert threshold.

You can use this information to see how well your budget has matched your costs and usage in the past. You can also download all of the data that Budgets used to create the table through the following procedure.

To download a budget in a CSV file
  1. Open the Billing and Cost Management console at

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Budgets.

  3. To see the filters and cost variances for your budgets, choose the budget name in your list of budgets.

  4. On the Budget history tab, choose Download as CSV.

  5. Follow the instructions onscreen.