Required IAM roles for AWS DeepRacer to call dependent AWS Services
Before you create a model, use the AWS DeepRacer console to set up resources for your account. As you do this, the AWS DeepRacer console creates the following IAM roles:
- AWSDeepRacerServiceRole
Allows AWS DeepRacer to create required resources and call AWS services on your behalf.
- AWSDeepRacerSageMakerAccessRole
Allows Amazon SageMaker AI to create required resources and call AWS services on your behalf.
- AWSDeepRacerLambdaAccessRole
Allows AWS Lambda functions to call AWS services on your behalf.
- AWSDeepRacerCloudFormationAccessRole
Allows AWS CloudFormation to create and manage AWS stacks and resources on your behalf.
Follow the links to view detailed access permissions in the AWS IAM console.