Monitoring your S3 File Gateway
You can monitor your S3 File Gateway and associated resources in AWS Storage Gateway by using Amazon CloudWatch metrics and audit logs. You can also use CloudWatch Events to get notified when your file operations are done.
Getting S3 File Gateway health logs with CloudWatch log groups
You can use Amazon CloudWatch Logs to get information about the health of your S3 File Gateway and related resources. You can use the logs to monitor your gateway for errors that it encounters. In addition, you can use Amazon CloudWatch subscription filters to automate processing of the log information in real time. For more information, see Real-time Processing of Log Data with Subscriptions in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
For example, you can configure a CloudWatch log group to monitor your gateway and get notified when your S3 File Gateway fails to upload files to an Amazon S3 bucket. You can configure the group either when you are activating the gateway or after your gateway is activated and up and running. For information about how to configure a CloudWatch log group when activating a gateway, see Configure your Amazon S3 File Gateway. For general information about CloudWatch log groups, see Working with Log Groups and Log Streams in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
The following is an example of an error reported by an S3 File Gateway.
{ "severity": "ERROR", "bucket": "bucket-smb-share2", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/amzn-s3-demo-bucket", "source": "share-E1A2B34C", "type": "InaccessibleStorageClass", "operation": "S3Upload", "key": "myFolder/myFile.text", "gateway": "sgw-B1D123D4", "timestamp": "1565740862516" }
This error means that the S3 File Gateway is unable to upload the object
to Amazon S3 because it has transitioned out of the
Amazon S3 Standard storage class to either the S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval or the
S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class.
In the preceding gateway health log, these items specify the given information:
source: share-E1A2B34C
indicates the file share that encountered this error. -
"type": "InaccessibleStorageClass"
indicates the type of error that occurred. In this case, this error was encountered when the gateway was trying to upload the specified object to Amazon S3 or read from Amazon S3. However, in this case, the object has transitioned to Amazon S3 Glacier. The value of"type"
can be any error that the S3 File Gateway encounters. For a list of possible errors, see Troubleshooting: File Gateway issues. -
"operation": "S3Upload"
indicates that this error occurred when the gateway was trying to upload this object to S3. -
"key": "myFolder/myFile.text"
indicates the object that caused the failure. -
gateway": "sgw-B1D123D4
indicates the S3 File Gateway that encountered this error. -
"timestamp": "1565740862516"
indicates the time that the error occurred.
For information about how to troubleshoot the errors that may be reported by S3 File Gateway, see Troubleshooting: File Gateway issues.
Configuring a CloudWatch log group after your gateway is activated
The following procedure shows you how to configure a CloudWatch Log Group after your gateway is activated.
To configure a CloudWatch log group to work with your S3 File Gateway
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Storage Gateway console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Gateways, and then choose the gateway that you want to configure the CloudWatch log group for.
For Actions, choose Edit gateway information. Or, on the Details tab, under Health logs and Not Enabled, choose Configure log group to open the Edit CustomerGatewayName dialog box.
For Gateway health log group, choose one of the following:
Disable logging if you don't want to monitor your gateway using CloudWatch log groups.
Create a new log group to create a new CloudWatch log group.
Use an existing log group to use a CloudWatch log group that already exists.
Choose a log group from the Existing log group list.
Choose Save changes.
To see the health logs for your gateway, do the following:
In the navigation pane, choose Gateways, and then choose the gateway that you configured the CloudWatch log group for.
Choose the Details tab, and under Health logs, choose CloudWatch Logs. The Log group details page opens in the CloudWatch console.
Using Amazon CloudWatch metrics
You can get monitoring data for your S3 File Gateway by using either
the AWS Management Console or the CloudWatch API. The console displays a series of graphs based on the raw
data from the CloudWatch API. The CloudWatch API can also be used through one of the AWS SDKs
Regardless of which method you use to work with metrics, you must specify the following information:
The metric dimension to work with. A dimension is a name-value pair that helps you to uniquely identify a metric. The dimensions for Storage Gateway are
. In the CloudWatch console, you can use theGateway Metrics
view to select gateway-specific dimensions. For more information about dimensions, see Dimensions in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. -
The metric name, such as
The following table summarizes the types of Storage Gateway metric data that are available to you.
Amazon CloudWatch namespace | Dimension | Description |
AWS/StorageGateway |
GatewayId , GatewayName
These dimensions filter for metric data that describes aspects of
the gateway. You can identify a S3 File Gateway to work with by specifying both the
Throughput and latency data of a gateway are based on all the file shares in the gateway. Data is available automatically in 5-minute periods at no charge. |
Working with gateway and file metrics is similar to working with other service metrics. You can find a discussion of some of the most common metrics tasks in the CloudWatch documentation listed following:
Getting notified about file operations
Storage Gateway can initiate the following CloudWatch Events when your file operations are done:
You can get notified when the gateway finishes the asynchronous uploading of your files from the file share to Amazon S3. Use the
parameter to request a file upload notification. This sends a notification for each completed file upload to Amazon S3. For more information, see Getting file upload notification. -
You can get notified when the gateway finishes the asynchronous uploading of your working file set from the file share to Amazon S3. Use the NotifyWhenUploaded API operation to request a working file set upload notification. This sends a notification when all files in the working file set have been uploaded to Amazon S3. For more information, see Getting working file set upload notification.
You can get notified when the gateway finishes refreshing the cache for your S3 bucket. When you invoke the RefreshCache operation through the Storage Gateway console or API, subscribe to the notification when the operation is complete. For more information, see Getting refresh cache notification.
When the file operation you requested is done, Storage Gateway sends you a notification through CloudWatch Events. You can configure CloudWatch Events to send the notification through event targets such as Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, or an AWS Lambda function. For example, you can configure an Amazon SNS target to send the notification to Amazon SNS consumers such as an email or text message. For information about CloudWatch Events, see What is CloudWatch Events?
To set up CloudWatch Events notification
Create a target, such as an Amazon SNS topic or Lambda function, to invoke when the event you requested in Storage Gateway occurs.
Create a rule in the CloudWatch Events console to invoke targets based on an event in Storage Gateway.
In the rule, create an event pattern for the event type. The notification sent when the event matches this rule pattern.
Select the target and configure the settings.
The following example shows a rule that initiates the specified event type in the
specified gateway and in the specified AWS Region. For example, you could specify the
Storage Gateway File Upload Event
as the event type.
{ "source":[ "aws.storagegateway" ], "resources":[ "arn:aws:storagegateway:
AWS Region
" ], "detail-type":[ "Event type
" ] }
For information about how to use CloudWatch Events rules, see Creating a CloudWatch Events rule that triggers on an event in the Amazon CloudWatch Events User Guide.
Getting file upload notification
There are two use cases in which you can use file upload notification:
For automating in-cloud processing of files that are uploaded, you can call the
parameter and get back a notification ID. The notification that occurs when the files have been uploaded has the same notification ID as the one that was returned by the API. If you map this notification ID to track the list of files that you are uploading, you can initiate processing of the file that is uploaded in AWS when the event with the same ID is generated. -
For content distribution use cases, you can have two S3 File Gateways that map to the same Amazon S3 bucket. The file share client for Gateway1 could upload new files to Amazon S3, and the files are read by file share clients on Gateway2. The files upload to Amazon S3, but they are not visible to Gateway2 because it uses a locally cached version of files in Amazon S3. To make the files visible in Gateway2, you can use the
parameter to request file upload notification from Gateway1 to notify you when the upload file is done. You can then use CloudWatch Events to automatically issue a RefreshCache request for the file share on Gateway2. When the RefreshCache request is complete, the new file is visible in Gateway2.
Example—File upload notification
The following example shows a file upload notification that is sent to you
through CloudWatch when the event matches the rule you created. This notification is
in JSON format. You can configure this notification to be delivered to the
target as a text message. The detail-type
is Storage Gateway
Object Upload Event
{ "version": "0", "id": "2649b160-d59d-c97f-3f64-8aaa9ea6aed3", "detail-type": "Storage Gateway Object Upload Event", "source": "aws.storagegateway", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2020-11-05T12:34:56Z", "region": "us-east-1", "resources": [ "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-1:123456789011:share/share-F123D451", "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-1:123456789011:gateway/sgw-712345DA", "arn:aws:s3:::do-not-delete-bucket" ], "detail": { "object-size": 1024, "modification-time": "2020-01-05T12:30:00Z", "object-key": "my-file.txt", "event-type": "object-upload-complete", "prefix": "prefix/", "bucket-name": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket", } }
Field names |
Description |
version |
The current version of the IAM policy. |
id |
The ID that identifies the IAM policy. |
detail-type |
A description of the event that initiated the notification that was sent. |
source |
The AWS service that is the source of the request and notification. |
account |
The ID of the AWS account where the request and notification were generated from. |
time |
When the request to upload files to Amazon S3 was made. |
region |
The AWS Region where the request and notification was sent from. |
resources |
The Storage Gateway resources that the policy applies to. |
object-size |
The size of the object in bytes. |
modification-time |
The time the client modified the file. |
object-key |
The path to the file. |
event-type |
The CloudWatch Events that initiated the notification. |
prefix |
The prefix name of the S3 bucket. |
bucket-name |
The name of the S3 bucket. |
Getting working file set upload notification
There are two use cases in which you can use the working file set upload notification:
For automating in-cloud processing of files that are uploaded, you can call the
API and get back a notification ID. The notification that occurs when the working set of files have been uploaded has the same notification ID as the one that was returned by the API. If you map this notification ID to track the list of files that you are uploading, you can initiate processing of the working set of files that are uploaded in AWS when the event with the same ID is generated. -
For content distribution use cases, you can have two S3 File Gateways that map to the same Amazon S3 bucket. The file share client for Gateway1 can upload new files to Amazon S3, and the files are read by file share clients on Gateway2. The files upload to Amazon S3, but they aren't visible to Gateway2 because it uses a locally cached version of files in S3. To make the files visible in Gateway2, use the NotifyWhenUploaded API operation to request file upload notification from Gateway1, to notify you when the upload of the working set of files is done. You can then use the CloudWatch Events to automatically issue a RefreshCache request for the file share on Gateway2. When the RefreshCache request is complete, the new files are visible in Gateway2. This operation does not import files into the gateway cache storage. It only updates the cached inventory to reflect changes in the inventory of the objects in the S3 bucket.
Example—Working file set upload notification
The following example shows a working file set upload notification that is
sent to you through CloudWatch when the event matches the rule you created. This
notification is in JSON format. You can configure this notification to be
delivered to the target as a text message. The detail-type
Storage Gateway File Upload Event
{ "version": "2012-10-17", "id": "2649b160-d59d-c97f-3f64-8aaa9ea6aed3", "detail-type": "Storage Gateway File Upload Event", "source": "aws.storagegateway", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2017-11-06T21:34:42Z", "region": "us-east-2", "resources": [ "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-2:123456789011:share/share-F123D451", "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-2:123456789011:gateway/sgw-712345DA" ], "detail": { "event-type": "upload-complete", "notification-id": "11b3106b-a18a-4890-9d47-a1a755ef5e47", "request-received": "2018-02-06T21:34:42Z", "completed": "2018-02-06T21:34:53Z" } }
Field names |
Description |
version |
The current version of the IAM policy. |
id |
The ID that identifies the IAM policy. |
detail-type |
A description of the event that initiated the notification that was sent. |
source |
The AWS service that is the source of the request and notification. |
account |
The ID of the AWS account where the request and notification were generated from. |
time |
When the request to upload files to Amazon S3 was made. |
region |
The AWS Region where the request and notification was sent from. |
resources |
The Storage Gateway resources that the policy applies to. |
event-type |
The CloudWatch Events that initiated the notification. |
notification-id |
The randomly generated ID of the notification that was
sent. This ID is in UUID format. This is the notification ID
that is returned when |
request-received |
When the gateway received the
completed |
When all the files in the working-set were uploaded to Amazon S3. |
Getting refresh cache notification
For refresh cache notification use case, you can have two S3 File Gateways that map to the same Amazon S3 bucket and the NFS client for Gateway1 uploads new files to the S3 bucket. The files upload to Amazon S3, but they don't appear in Gateway2 until you refresh the cache. This is because Gateway2 uses a locally cached version of the files in Amazon S3. You might want to do something with the files in Gateway2 when the refresh cache is done. Large files could take a while to show up in Gateway2, so you might want to be notified when the cache refresh is done. You can request refresh cache notification from Gateway2 to notify you when all the files are visible in Gateway2.
Example—Refresh cache notification
The following example shows a refresh cache notification that is sent to you
through CloudWatch when the event matches the rule you created. This notification is
in JSON format. You can configure this notification to be delivered to the
target as a text message. The detail-type
is Storage Gateway
Refresh Cache Event
{ "version": "2012-10-17", "id": "2649b160-d59d-c97f-3f64-8aaa9ea6aed3", "detail-type": "Storage Gateway Refresh Cache Event", "source": "aws.storagegateway", "account": "209870788375", "time": "2017-11-06T21:34:42Z", "region": "us-east-2", "resources": [ "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-2:123456789011:share/share-F123D451", "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-2:123456789011:gateway/sgw-712345DA" ], "detail": { "event-type": "refresh-complete", "notification-id": "1c14106b-a18a-4890-9d47-a1a755ef5e47", "started": "2018-02-06T21:34:42Z", "completed": "2018-02-06T21:34:53Z", "folderList": [ "/" ] } }
Field names |
Description |
version |
The current version of the IAM policy. |
id |
The ID that identifies the IAM policy. |
detail-type |
A description of the type of the event that initiated the notification that was sent. |
source |
The AWS service that is the source of the request and notification. |
account |
The ID of the AWS account where the request and notification were generated from. |
time |
When the request to refresh the files in working-set was made. |
region |
The AWS Region where the request and notification was sent from. |
resources |
The Storage Gateway resources that the policy applies to. |
event-type |
The CloudWatch Events that initiated the notification. |
notification-id |
The randomly generated ID of the notification that was sent.
This ID is in UUID format. This is the notification ID that is
returned when you call |
started |
when the gateway received the |
completed |
When the refresh of the working-set was completed. |
folderList |
A comma-separated list of the paths of folders that were refreshed in the cache. The default is ["/"]. |
Understanding gateway metrics
The following table describes metrics that cover S3 File Gateways. Each gateway has a set of metrics associated with it. Some gateway-specific metrics have the same name as certain file-share-specific metrics. These metrics represent the same kinds of measurements, but are scoped to the gateway rather than the file share.
Always specify whether you want to work with a gateway or a file
share when working with a particular metric. Specifically, when working with gateway
metrics, you must specify the Gateway Name
for the gateway whose metric
data you want to view. For more information, see Using Amazon CloudWatch metrics.
Some metrics return data points only when new data has been generated during the most recent monitoring period.
The following table describes the metrics that you can use to get information about your S3 File Gateways.
Metric | Description |
AvailabilityNotifications |
This metric reports the number of availability-related health notifications that were generated by the gateway in the reporting period. Units: Count |
CacheFileSize |
This metric tracks the size of files in the gateway cache. Use this metric with the Units: Bytes |
CacheFree |
This metric reports the number of available bytes in the gateway cache. Units: Bytes |
CacheHitPercent |
Percent of application read operations from the gateway that are served from cache. The sample is taken at the end of the reporting period. When there are no application read operations from the gateway, this metric reports 100 percent. Units: Percent |
CachePercentDirty |
The overall percentage of the gateway cache that has not been persisted to AWS. The sample is taken at the end of the reporting period. Use this metric with the Ideally, this metric should remain low. Units: Percent |
The overall percent of the gateway cache storage that is used. The sample is taken at the end of the reporting period. Units: Percent |
CacheUsed |
This metric reports the number of used bytes in the gateway cache. Units: Bytes |
CloudBytesDownloaded |
The total number of bytes that the gateway downloaded from AWS during the reporting period. Use this metric with the Units: Bytes |
CloudBytesUploaded |
The total number of bytes that the gateway uploaded to AWS during the reporting period. Use this metric with the Units: Bytes |
FilesFailingUpload |
This metric tracks the number of files which are failing to upload to AWS. These files will generate health notifications which contain more information on the issue. Use this metric with the Units: Count |
FileSharesUnavailable |
This metric provides the number of file shares on this gateways which are in the Unavailable state. If this metric reports any file shares are unavailable, then it is likely there is a problem with the gateway which is may cause disruption to your workflow. It is recommended to create an alarm for when this metric reports a non-zero value. Units: Count |
FilesRenamed |
This metric tracks the number of files renamed in the reporting period. Units: Count |
HealthNotifications |
This metric reports the number of health notifications that were generated by this gateway in the reporting period. Units: Count |
IndexEvictions |
This metric reports the number of files whose metadata was evicted from the cached index of file metadata to make room for new entries. The gateway maintains this metadata index, which is populated from the AWS Cloud on demand. Units: Count |
IndexFetches |
This metric reports the number of files for which metadata was fetched. The gateway maintains a cached index of file metadata, which is populated from the AWS Cloud on demand. Units: Count |
IoWaitPercent |
This metric reports the percentage of time that the CPU is waiting for a response from the local disk. Units: Percent |
MemTotalBytes |
This metric reports the total amount of memory on the gateway. Units: Bytes |
MemUsedBytes |
This metric reports the amount of used memory on the gateway. Units: Bytes |
NfsSessions |
This metric reports the number of NFS sessions that are active on the gateway. Units: Count |
RootDiskFreeBytes |
This metric reports the number of available bytes on the root disk of the gateway. If this metric reports less than 20 GB are free, you should increase the size of the root disk. To increase the root disk size, you can increase the size of existing root disk on the VM. When the VM is rebooted, gateway recognizes the increased size on the root disk. Units: Bytes |
S3GetObjectRequestTime |
This metric reports the time for the gateway to complete S3 get object requests. Units: Milliseconds |
S3PutObjectRequestTime |
This metric reports the time for the gateway to complete S3 put object requests. Units: Milliseconds |
S3UploadPartRequestTime |
This metric reports the time for the gateway to complete S3 upload part requests. Units: Milliseconds |
SmbV1Sessions |
This metric reports the number of SMBv1 sessions that are active on the gateway. Units: Count |
SmbV2Sessions |
This metric reports the number of SMBv2 sessions that are active on the gateway. Units: Count |
SmbV3Sessions |
This metric reports the number of SMBv3 sessions that are active on the gateway. Units: Count |
TotalCacheSize |
This metric reports the total size of the cache. Units: Bytes |
UserCpuPercent |
This metric reports the percentage of time that is spent on gateway processing. Units: Percent |
Understanding file share metrics
You can find information following about the Storage Gateway metrics that cover file shares. Each file share has a set of metrics associated with it. Some file share-specific metrics have the same name as certain gateway-specific metrics. These metrics represent the same kinds of measurements, but are scoped to the file share instead.
Always specify whether you want to work with either a gateway or a
file share metric before working with a metric. Specifically, when working with file
share metrics, you must specify the File share ID
that identifies the file
share for which you are interested in viewing metrics. For more information, see Using Amazon CloudWatch metrics.
Some metrics return data points only when new data has been generated during the most recent monitoring period.
The following table describes the Storage Gateway metrics that you can use to get information about your file shares.
Metric | Description |
CacheHitPercent |
Percent of application read operations from the file shares that are served from cache. The sample is taken at the end of the reporting period. When there are no application read operations from the file share, this metric reports 100 percent. Units: Percent |
CachePercentDirty |
The file share's contribution to the overall percentage of the gateway's cache that has not been persisted to AWS. The sample is taken at the end of the reporting period. Use this metric with the Ideally, this metric should remain low. NoteUse the Units: Percent |
CachePercentUsed |
The file share's contribution to the overall percent use of the gateway's cache storage. The sample is taken at the end of the reporting period. Use the Units: Percent |
CloudBytesUploaded |
The total number of bytes that the gateway uploaded to AWS during the reporting period. Use this metric with the Units: Bytes |
CloudBytesDownloaded |
The total number of bytes that the gateway downloaded from AWS during the reporting period. Use this metric with the Units: Bytes |
FilesFailingUpload |
This metric tracks the number of files which are failing to upload to AWS. These files will generate health notifications which contain more information on the issue. Use this metric with the Units: Count |
The total number of bytes read from your on-premises applications in the reporting period for a file share. Use this metric with the Units: Bytes |
WriteBytes |
The total number of bytes written to your on-premises applications in the reporting period. Use this metric with the Units: Bytes |
Understanding S3 File Gateway audit logs
Amazon S3 File Gateway (S3 File Gateway) audit logs provide you with details about user access to files and folders within a file share. You can use them to monitor user activities and take action if inappropriate activity patterns are identified.
The following table describes the S3 File Gateway audit log file access operations.
Operation name |
Definition |
Read Data |
Read the contents of a file. |
Write Data |
Change the contents of a file. |
Create |
Create a new file or folder. |
Rename |
Rename an existing file or folder. |
Delete |
Delete a file or folder. |
Write Attributes |
Update file or folder metadata (ACLs, owner, group, permissions). |
The following table describes S3 File Gateway audit log file access attributes.
Attribute |
Definition |
accessMode |
The permission setting for the object. |
(SMB only) |
The Active Directory (AD) domain that the client’s account belongs to. |
(SMB only) |
The Active Directory user name of the client. |
bucket |
The S3 bucket name. |
(NFS only) |
The identifier of the group of the user accessing the object. |
(NFS only) |
The identifier of the user accessing the object. |
ctime |
The time that the object’s content or metadata was modified, set by the client. |
groupId |
The identifier for group owner of the object. |
fileSizeInBytes |
The size of the file in bytes, set by the client at file creation time. |
gateway |
The Storage Gateway ID. |
mtime |
This time that the object's content was modified, set by the client. |
newObjectName |
The full path to the new object after it has been renamed. |
objectName |
The full path to the object. |
objectType |
Defines whether the object is a file or folder. |
operation |
The name of the object access operation. |
ownerId |
The identifier for the owner of the object. |
(SMB only) |
Shows the discretionary access control list (DACL) set on an object, in SDDL format. |
shareName |
The name of the share that is being accessed. |
source |
The ID of the file share being audited. |
sourceAddress |
The IP address of file share client machine. |
status |
The status of the operation. Only success is logged (failures are logged with the exception of failures arising from permissions denied). |
timestamp |
The time that the operation occurred based on the OS timestamp of the gateway. |
version |
The version of the audit log format. |
Attributes logged per operation
The following table describes the S3 File Gateway audit log attributes logged in each file access operation.
Read data |
Write data |
Create folder |
Create file |
Rename file/folder |
Delete file/folder |
Write attributes (change ACL - SMB only) |
Write attributes (chown) |
Write attributes (chmod) |
Write attributes (chgrp) |
accessMode |
X | X | X | |||||||
(SMB only) |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
(SMB only) |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
bucket |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
(NFS only) |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
(NFS only) |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
ctime |
X | X | ||||||||
groupId |
X | X | ||||||||
fileSizeInBytes |
X | |||||||||
gateway |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mtime |
X | X | ||||||||
newObjectName |
X | |||||||||
objectName |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
objectType |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
operation |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
ownerId |
X | X | X | |||||||
(SMB only) |
X | X | ||||||||
shareName |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
source |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
sourceAddress |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
status |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
timestamp |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
version |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |