Device Advisor test cases
Device Advisor provides prebuilt tests in six categories.
Device Advisor test cases to qualify for the AWS Device Qualification Program.
Your device must pass the following tests to qualify
to the AWS Device Qualification
This is a revised list of the qualification tests.
TLS Connect ("TLS Connect")
TLS Incorrect Subject Name Server Cert ("Incorrect Subject Common Name (CN) / Subject Alternative Name (SAN)")
TLS Unsecure Server Cert ("Not Signed By Recognized CA")
TLS Device Support for AWS IoT Cipher Suites ("TLS Device Support for AWS IoT recommended Cipher Suites")
TLS Receive Maximum Size Fragments("TLS Receive Maximum Size Fragments")
TLS Expired Server Cert("Expired server certificate")
TLS Large Size Server Cert("TLS large Size Server Certificate")
MQTT Connect ("Device send CONNECT to AWS IoT Core (Happy case)")
MQTT Subscribe ("Can Subscribe (Happy Case)")
MQTT Publish ("QoS0 (Happy Case)")
MQTT Connect Jitter Retries("Device connect retries with jitter backoff - No CONNACK response")