Use API keys to authenticate - Amazon Location Service

Use API keys to authenticate


API keys are available to use only with map, place, and route resources, and you can't modify or create those resources. If your application needs access to other resources or actions for unauthenticated users, you can use Amazon Cognito to provide access along with, or instead of, API keys. For more information, see Use Amazon Cognito to authenticate.

API keys are a key value that is associated with specific Amazon Location Service resources or API in your AWS account, and specific actions that you can perform on those resources. You can use an API key in your application to make unauthenticated calls to the Amazon Location APIs for those resources.

For example, if you associate an API key with a resource and/or the GetPlace* API, then an application that uses that API key will be able to call specific APIs. That same API key would not give permissions to change or update any resource or call APIs that it isn't associated with.

When you call Amazon Location Service APIs in your applications, you typically make this call as an authenticated user who is authorized to make the API calls. However, there are some cases where you don't want to authenticate every user of your application.

For example, you might want a web application that shows your business location to be available to anyone using the website, whether they are logged in or not. In this case, one alternative is to use API keys to make the API calls.

See API key best practices for additional information about when to use API keys.

Create an API key for Amazon Location Service

You can create an API key through the Amazon Location Service console, AWS CLI, or Amazon Location API. Continue with the appropriate procedures below.

Amazon Location console
To create an API key using the Amazon Location Service console
  1. In the Amazon Location console, choose API keys from the left menu.

  2. On the API keys page, choose Create API key.

  3. On the Create API key page, fill in the following information:

    • Name – A name for your API key, such as ExampleKey.

    • Description – An optional description for your API key.

    • Resources – In the dropdown, choose the Amazon Location resources to give access to with this API key. You can add more than one resource by choosing Add resource.

    • Actions – Specify the actions you want to authorize with this API key. You must select at least one action to match each resource type you have selected. For example, if you selected a place resource, you must select at least one of the choices under Places Actions.

    • Expiration time – Optionally, add an expiration date and time for your API key. For more information, see API key best practices.

    • Referrers – Optionally, add one or more domains where you can use the API key. For example, if the API key is to allow an application running on the website, then you could put * as an allowed referrer.

    • Tags – Optionally, add tags to the API key.

  4. Choose Create API key to create the API key.

  5. On the detail page for the API key, you can see information about the API key that you have created. Choose Show API key to see the key value that you use when calling Amazon Location APIs. The key value will have the format v1.public.a1b2c3d4....

  1. Use the create-key command. The following example creates an API key called ExampleKey with no expiration date and access to a single map resource.

    aws location \ create-key \ --key-name ExampleKey \ --restrictions '{"AllowActions":["geo:GetMap*"],"AllowResources":["arn:aws:geo:region:map/mapname"]}' \ --no-expiry
  2. The response includes the API key value to use when accessing resources in your applications. The key value will have the format v1.public.a1b2c3d4.... To learn more about using the API key to render maps, see Use an API key to call an Amazon Location API. The response to create-key looks like the following:

    { "Key": "v1.public.a1b2c3d4...", "KeyArn": "arn:aws:geo:region:accountId:api-key/ExampleKey", "KeyName": "ExampleKey", "CreateTime": "2023-02-06T22:33:15.693Z" }
  3. You can also use describe-key to find the key value at a later time. The following example shows how to call describe-key on an API key named ExampleKey.

    aws location describe-key \ --key-name ExampleKey
Amazon Location API

Use the CreateKey operation from the Amazon Location APIs. The following example is an API request to create an API key called ExampleKey with no expiration date and access to a single map resource.

POST /metadata/v0/keys HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "KeyName": "ExampleKey", "NoExpiry": true, "Restrictions": { "AllowActions": [ "geo-places:*", "geo-routes:*", "geo-maps:*" ], "AllowResources": [ "arn:aws:geo-places:Region::provider/default", "arn:aws:geo-routes:Region::provider/default", "arn:aws:geo-maps:Region::provider/default" ] }

The response includes the API key value to use when accessing resources in your applications. The key value will havethe format v1.public.a1b2c3d4....

You can also use the DescribeKey API to find the key value for a key at a later time.

Use an API key to call an Amazon Location API

After you create an API key, you can use the key value to make calls to Amazon Location APIs in your application.


The APIs that support API keys have an additional parameter that takes the API key value. For example, if you call the GetPlace API, you can fill in the key parameter, as follows

curl --request GET —url '{PLACEID}?key={APIKEY}&language=jp'

When you use the --key parameter, you should also use the --no-sign-request parameter, to avoid signing with Sig v4.

aws geo-places get-place --place-id $PLACEID --language jp --key $APIKEY
SDK (web)

Use the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Display a map</title> <meta property="og:description" content="Initialize a map in an HTML element with MapLibre GL JS." /> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel='stylesheet' href='' /> <script src=''></script> <style> body { margin: 0; } #map { height: 100vh; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="map"></div> <script> const apiKey = "<api key>"; // check how to create api key for Amazon Location const mapStyle = "Standard"; // eg. Standard, Monochrome, Hybrid, Satellite const awsRegion = "eu-central-1"; // eg. us-east-2, us-east-1, us-west-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-south-2, eu-north-1, sa-east-1 const styleUrl = `https://maps.geo.${awsRegion}${mapStyle}/descriptor?key=${apiKey}`; const map = new maplibregl.Map({ container: 'map', // container id style: styleUrl, // style URL center: [25.24,36.31], // starting position [lng, lat] zoom: 2, // starting zoom }); </script> </body> </html>
SDK (iOS, Swift)

Use the following code:

import UIKit import MapLibre class ViewController: UIViewController { let apiKey = "Enter your API key" // The previously-created API Key to use let regionName = "Enter your region name" // The service region - us-east-1, ap-south-1, etc var mapView: MLNMapView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() loadMap() } func loadMap() { let styleName = "Standard" // The map style - Standard, Monochrome, Hybrid, Satellite let colorName = "Light" // The color scheme - Light, Dark // The Amazon Location Service map style URL that MapLibre will use to render the maps. let styleURL = URL(string: "https://maps.geo.\(regionName)\(styleName)/descriptor?key=\(apiKey)&color-scheme=\(colorName)") // Initialize MapLibre mapView = MLNMapView(frame: view.bounds) mapView.styleURL = styleURL mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight] // Set the starting camera position and zoom level for the map mapView.setCenter(CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 49.246559, longitude: -123.063554), zoomLevel: 10, animated: false) view.addSubview(mapView!) } }
SDK (Android, Kotlin)

Use the following code:

class MapActivity : Activity(), OnMapReadyCallback { private lateinit var mBinding: ActivityMapBinding override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) initializeMap(savedInstanceState) } private fun initializeMap(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { // Init MapLibre // See the MapLibre Getting Started Guide for more details // MapLibre.getInstance(this@MapActivity) mBinding = ActivityMapBinding.inflate(layoutInflater) setContentView(mBinding.root) mBinding.mapView.onCreate(savedInstanceState) mBinding.mapView.getMapAsync(this) } override fun onMapReady(mapLibreMap: MapLibreMap) { mapLibreMap.setStyle(Style.Builder().fromUri(getMapUrl())) { // Set the starting camera position mapLibreMap.cameraPosition = CameraPosition.Builder().target(LatLng(49.246559, -123.063554)).zoom(10.0).build() mapLibreMap.uiSettings.isLogoEnabled = false mapLibreMap.uiSettings.attributionGravity = Gravity.BOTTOM or Gravity.END mapLibreMap.uiSettings.setAttributionDialogManager(AttributionDialogManager(this, mapLibreMap)) } } // Return the Amazon Location Service map style URL // MapLibre will use this to render the maps. // awsRegion: The service region - us-east-1, ap-south-1, etc // mapStyle: The map style - Standard, Monochrome, Hybrid, Satellite // API_KEY: The previously-created API Key to use // colorName: The color scheme to use - Light, Dark private fun getMapUrl() = "https://maps.geo.${getString(R.string.awsRegion)}${getString(R.string.mapStyle)}/descriptor?key=${BuildConfig.API_KEY}&color-scheme=${getString(R.string.colorName)}" override fun onStart() { super.onStart() mBinding.mapView.onStart() } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() mBinding.mapView.onResume() } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() mBinding.mapView.onPause() } override fun onStop() { super.onStop() mBinding.mapView.onStop() } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) mBinding.mapView.onSaveInstanceState(outState) } override fun onLowMemory() { super.onLowMemory() mBinding.mapView.onLowMemory() } override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() mBinding.mapView.onDestroy() } }

API key best practices

API keys include a plain text value that gives access to one or more resources or APIs in your AWS account. If someone copies your API key, they can access those same resources and APIs. To minimize the potential impact, review the following best practices:

  • Limit the API key

    To avoid the situation above, it is best to limit your API key. When you create the key, you can specify the domain or referrer where the key can be used.

  • Manage API key lifetimes

    You can create API keys that work indefinitely. However, if you want to create a temporary API key, rotate API keys on a regular basis, or revoke an existing API key, you can use API key expiration.

    • You can set the expiration time for an API key when you create or update it.

    • When an API key reaches its expiration time, the key is automatically deactivated. Inactive keys can no longer be used to make requests.

    • You can change a temporary key to a permanent key by removing the expiration time.

    • You can delete an API key 90 days after deactivating it.

    • If you attempt to deactivate an API key that has been used within the last seven days, you'll be prompted to confirm that you want to make the change.

      If you are using the Amazon Location Service API or the AWS CLI, set the ForceUpdate parameter to true, otherwise you'll receive an error.