Monitoring CloudWatch metrics - Amazon MemoryDB

Monitoring CloudWatch metrics

MemoryDB and CloudWatch are integrated so you can gather a variety of metrics. You can monitor these metrics using CloudWatch.


The following examples require the CloudWatch command line tools. For more information about CloudWatch and to download the developer tools, see the CloudWatch product page.

The following procedures show you how to use CloudWatch to gather storage space statistics for an cluster for the past hour.


The StartTime and EndTime values supplied in the examples following are for illustrative purposes. Make sure to substitute appropriate start and end time values for your nodes.

For information on MemoryDB limits, see AWS service limits for MemoryDB.

Monitoring CloudWatch metrics (Console)

To gather CPU utilization statistics for a cluster

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the MemoryDB console at

  2. Select the nodes you want to view metrics for.


    Selecting more than 20 nodes disables viewing metrics on the console.

    1. On the Clusters page of the AWS Management Console, click the name of one or more clusters.

      The detail page for the cluster appears.

    2. Click the Nodes tab at the top of the window.

    3. On the Nodes tab of the detail window, select the nodes that you want to view metrics for.

      A list of available CloudWatch Metrics appears at the bottom of the console window.

    4. Click on the CPU Utilization metric.

      The CloudWatch console will open, displaying your selected metrics. You can use the Statistic and Period drop-down list boxes and Time Range tab to change the metrics being displayed.

Monitoring CloudWatch metrics using the CloudWatch CLI

To gather CPU utilization statistics for a cluster

  • Use the CloudWatch command aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics with the following parameters (note that the start and end times are shown as examples only; you will need to substitute your own appropriate start and end times):

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics CPUUtilization \ --dimensions=ClusterName=mycluster,NodeId=0002" \ --statistics=Average \ --namespace="AWS/MemoryDB" \ --start-time 2013-07-05T00:00:00 \ --end-time 2013-07-06T00:00:00 \ --period=60

    For Windows:

    mon-get-stats CPUUtilization ^ --dimensions=ClusterName=mycluster,NodeId=0002" ^ --statistics=Average ^ --namespace="AWS/MemoryDB" ^ --start-time 2013-07-05T00:00:00 ^ --end-time 2013-07-06T00:00:00 ^ --period=60

Monitoring CloudWatch metrics using the CloudWatch API

To gather CPU utilization statistics for a cluster

  • Call the CloudWatch API GetMetricStatistics with the following parameters (note that the start and end times are shown as examples only; you will need to substitute your own appropriate start and end times):

    • Statistics.member.1=Average

    • Namespace=AWS/MemoryDB

    • StartTime=2013-07-05T00:00:00

    • EndTime=2013-07-06T00:00:00

    • Period=60

    • MeasureName=CPUUtilization

    • Dimensions=ClusterName=mycluster,NodeId=0002

    Example ?SignatureVersion=4 &Action=GetMetricStatistics &Version=2014-12-01 &StartTime=2013-07-16T00:00:00 &EndTime=2013-07-16T00:02:00 &Period=60 &Statistics.member.1=Average &Dimensions.member.1="ClusterName=mycluster" &Dimensions.member.2="NodeId=0002" &Namespace=Amazon/memorydb &MeasureName=CPUUtilization &Timestamp=2013-07-07T17%3A48%3A21.746Z &AWS;AccessKeyId=<&AWS; Access Key ID> &Signature=<Signature>