Quotas - AWS Partner Central


AWS Partner Central API enforces quotas to ensure fair usage and to protect the service from misuse. Below are the detailed quotas for various API operations and associations per opportunity.

API operation quotas

Type API operation Quota (per partner account)
Read actions GetOpportunity 10 per second; 100,000 per 24 hours
Write actions CreateOpportunity 1 per second; 10,000 per 24 hours

Association quotas per opportunity

Related entity Quota
AWS products 20 per opportunity
Partner Solutions 10 per opportunity
AWS Marketplace private offers 1 per opportunity

Understanding and managing quotas

Rate limiting

When an API rate limit is reached, the service will respond with a ThrottlingException. To better handle rate limiting, AWS recommends implementing exponential backoff and retry strategies in your application.

Time window for quotas

The daily quotas reset on a rolling 24 hour period. Your requests would be throttled e.g. if you have performed 10,000 write actions in the last 24 hours and are trying to perform the 10,001st request. Ensure that your application's usage patterns take this into account to prevent unintentional throttling.

Requesting a quota increase

If the default quotas do not meet your requirements, you can request a quota increase through the Service Quotas page. The Service Quotas console is a browser-based interface that you can use to view and manage your service quotas. You can access Service Quotas from any AWS Management Console page by choosing it on the top navigation bar, or by searching for Service Quotas in the AWS Management Console.