Get Started with AWS Glue Interactive Sessions
In this guide, you learn how to initiate an AWS Glue interactive session in SageMaker AI Studio Classic, and manage your environment with Jupyter magics.
Permissions for AWS Glue interactive sessions in Studio or Studio Classic
This section lists the required policies to run AWS Glue interactive sessions in Studio or Studio Classic and explains how to set them up. In particular, it details how to:
Attach the
managed policy to your SageMaker AI execution role. -
Create an inline custom policy on your SageMaker AI execution role.
Modify the trust relationship of your SageMaker AI execution role.
To attach the AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedServiceRole
policy to your execution role
Open the IAM console
. -
Select Roles in the left-side panel.
Find the Studio Classic execution role used by your user profile. For information about how to view a user profile, see View user profiles in a domain.
Choose your role name to access the role summary page.
Under the Permissions tab, select Attach policies from the Add Permissions dropdown menu.
Select the checkbox next to the managed policy
. -
Choose Attach policies.
The summary page shows your newly-added managed policies.
To create the inline custom policy on your execution role
Select Create inline policy in the Add Permissions dropdown menu.
Select the JSON tab.
Copy and paste in the following policy.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "
", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:GetRole", "iam:PassRole", "sts:GetCallerIdentity" ], "Resource": "*" } ] } -
Choose Review policy.
Enter a Name and choose Create policy.
The summary page shows your newly-added custom policy.
To modify the trust relationship of your execution role
Select the Trust relationships tab.
Chose Edit trust policy.
Copy and paste in the following policy.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "", "" ] }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }
Choose Update policy.
You can add additional roles and policies if you need to access other AWS resources. For a description of the additional roles and policies you can include, see interactive sessions with IAM in the AWS Glue documentation.
Tag propagation
Tags are commonly used to track and allocate costs, control access to your session, isolate your resources, and more. To learn about adding metadata to your AWS resources using tagging, or for details on common use cases, see Additional information.
You can enable the automatic propagation of AWS tags to new AWS Glue interactive
sessions created from within the Studio or Studio Classic UI. When an AWS Glue
interactive session is created from Studio or Studio Classic, any user-defined tags attached to the user profile or shared space are
carried over to the new AWS Glue interactive session. Additionally,Studio and
Studio Classic automatically add two AWS-generated internal tags
and sagemaker:domain-arn
or (sagemaker:shared-space-arn
and sagemaker:domain-arn
to new AWS Glue interactive sessions created from their UI. You can use these tags to
aggregate costs across individual domains, user profiles, or spaces.
Enable tag propagation
To enable the automatic propagation of tags to new AWS Glue interactive sessions, set the following permissions for your SageMaker AI execution role and the IAM role associated with your AWS Glue session:
By default, the role associated with the AWS Glue interactive session is the
same as the SageMaker AI execution role. You can specify a different execution role
for the AWS Glue interactive session by using the %iam_role
command. For information on the available Jupyter magic commands to configure
AWS Glue interactive sessions, see Configure your AWS Glue interactive session in
Studio or Studio Classic.
On your SageMaker AI execution role: Create a new inline policy, and paste the following JSON file. The policy grants the execution role permission to describe (
) and list the tags (ListTag
) set on the user profiles, shared spaces, and SageMaker AI domain.{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sagemaker:ListTags" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:sagemaker:*:*:user-profile/*", "arn:aws:sagemaker:*:*:space/*" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sagemaker:DescribeUserProfile" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:sagemaker:*:*:user-profile/*" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sagemaker:DescribeSpace" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:sagemaker:*:*:space/*" ] } { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sagemaker:DescribeDomain" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:sagemaker:*:*:domain/*" ] }
On the IAM role of your AWS Glue session: Create a new inline policy, and paste the following JSON file. The policy grants your role permission to attach tags (
) to your session, or retrieve its list of tags (GetTags
).{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "glue:TagResource", "glue:GetTags" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:glue:*:*:session/*" ] }
Failures occurring while applying those permissions do not prevent the creation of AWS Glue interactive sessions. You can find details about the reason of the failure in Studio or Studio Classic CloudWatch logs.
You must restart the kernel of your AWS Glue interactive session to propagate the update of a tag’s value.
It is important to note the following points:
Once a tag is attached to a session, it cannot be removed by propagation.
You can remove tags from an AWS Glue interactive session directly through the AWS CLI, the AWS Glue API, or the
. For example, using the AWS CLI, you can remove a tag by providing the session's ARN and the tag keys you want to remove as follows: aws glue untag-resource \ --resource-arn
\ --tags-to-removetag-key1
Studio and Studio Classic add two AWS-generated internal tags ((
) or (sagemaker:shared-space-arn
)) to new AWS Glue interactive sessions created from their UI. Those tags count against the limit of 50 tags set on all AWS resources. Bothsagemaker:user-profile-arn
contain the domain ID to which they belong. -
Tags keys starting with
, or any combination of upper and lowercase letters as a prefix for keys are not propagated and are reserved for AWS use.
Additional information
For more information on tagging, refer to the following resources.
To learn about adding metadata to your AWS resources with tagging, see Tagging AWS resources.
For information on tracking costs using tags, see Cost analysis in Studio administration best practices.
For information on controlling access to AWS Glue based on tag keys, see ABAC with AWS Glue.
Launch your AWS Glue interactive session on Studio or Studio Classic
After you create the roles, policies, and SageMaker AI domain, you can launch your AWS Glue interactive session in Studio or Studio Classic.
Sign in to the SageMaker AI console at
. -
From the left navigation pane, choose Studio.
From the Studio landing page, select the domain and user profile for launching Studio.
Choose Open Studio and start a JupyterLab or Studio Classic application.
In the Jupyter view, choose File, then New, then Notebook.
For Studio Classic users: In the Image dropdown menu, select SparkAnalytics 1.0 or SparkAnalytics 2.0. In the kernel dropdown menu, select Glue Spark or Glue Python [PySpark and Ray]. Choose Select.
For Studio users, select a Glue Spark or Glue Python [PySpark and Ray] kernel
(optional) Use Jupyter magics to customize your environment. For more information about Jupyter magics, see Configure your AWS Glue interactive session in Studio or Studio Classic.
Start writing your Spark data processing scripts. The following notebook
showcases an end-to-end workflow for ETL on a large dataset using an AWS Glue interactive session, exploratory data analysis, data preprocessing, and finally training a model on the processed data with SageMaker AI.
Configure your AWS Glue interactive session in Studio or Studio Classic
All magic configurations are carried over to subsequent sessions for the lifetime of the AWS Glue kernel.
You can use Jupyter magics in your AWS Glue interactive session to modify your session
and configuration parameters. Magics are short commands prefixed with %
at the start of Jupyter cells that provide a quick and easy way to help you control
your environment. In your AWS Glue interactive session, the following magics are set
for you by default:
Magic | Default value |
%glue_version |
3.0 |
%iam_role |
%region |
your region |
You can use magics to further customize your environment. For example, if you want
to change the number of workers allocated to your job from the default five to 10,
you can specify %number_of_workers 10
. If you want to configure your
session to stop after 10 minutes of idle time instead of the default 2880, you can
specify %idle_timeout 10
All of the Jupyter magics currently available in AWS Glue are also available in Studio or Studio Classic. For the complete list of AWS Glue magics available, see Configuring AWS Glue interactive sessions for Jupyter and AWS Glue Studio notebooks.