Update the RStudio Package Manager URL - Amazon SageMaker AI

Update the RStudio Package Manager URL

RStudio Package Manager is a repository management server used to organize and centralize packages across your organization. For more information on RStudio Package Manager, see RStudio Package Manager. If you don't supply your own Package Manager URL, Amazon SageMaker AI domain uses the default Package Manager repository when you onboard RStudio following the steps in Amazon SageMaker AI domain overview. For more information, see Host RStudio Connect and Package Manager for ML development in RStudio on Amazon SageMaker AI. The following procedure shows how to update the Package Manager URL.

Update Package Manager URL

You can update the Package Manager URL used for your RStudio-enabled domain as follows.

  1. Navigate to the domains page.

  2. Select the desired domain.

  3. Choose domain Settings.

  4. Under General Settings, select Edit.

  5. From the new page, select RStudio Settings on the left side. 

  6. Under RStudio Package Manager, enter your RStudio Package Manager URL.

  7. Select Submit.


The only way to update your Package Manager URL from the AWS CLI is to delete your domain and create a new one with the updated Package Manager URL.