Deliver to S3 bucket action
The Deliver to S3 bucket action delivers the mail to an S3 bucket and can optionally notify you through SNS and more. This action has the following options.
S3 bucket – The name of the S3 bucket to which to save received emails. You can also create a new S3 bucket when you set up your action by choosing Create S3 Bucket. Amazon SES provides you the raw, unmodified email, which is typically in Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format. For more information about MIME format, see RFC 2045
. Important
The Amazon S3 bucket must exist in a region where SES Email receiving is available; otherwise, you must use the IAM role option explained below.
When you save your emails to an S3 bucket, the default maximum email size (including headers) is 40 MB.
SES does not support receipt rules that upload to S3 buckets enabled with object lock configured with a default retention period.
If applying encryption on your S3 bucket by specifying your own KMS key, be sure to use the fully qualified KMS key ARN, and not the KMS key alias; using the alias can result in data encrypted with a KMS key that belongs to the requester, and not the bucket administrator. See Using encryption for cross-account operations.
Object key prefix – An optional key name prefix to use within the S3 bucket. Key name prefixes enable you to organize your S3 bucket in a folder structure. For example, if you use Email as your Object key prefix, your emails will appear in your S3 bucket in a folder named Email.
Message encryption – The option to encrypt received email messages before delivering them to your S3 bucket.
KMS encryption key – (Available if Message encryption is selected.) The AWS KMS key that SES should use to encrypt your emails before saving them to the S3 bucket. You can use the default KMS key or a customer managed key that you created in KMS.
The KMS key you choose must be in the same AWS region as the SES endpoint you use to receive email.
To use the default KMS key, choose aws/ses when you set up the receipt rule in the SES console. If you use the SES API, you can specify the default KMS key by providing an ARN in the form of
. For example, if your AWS account ID is 123456789012 and you want to use the default KMS key in the us-east-1 region, the ARN of the default KMS key would bearn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:alias/aws/ses
. If you use the default KMS key, you don't need to perform any extra steps to give SES permission to use the key. -
To use a customer managed key that you created in KMS, provide the ARN of the KMS key and ensure that you add a statement to your key's policy to give SES permission to use it. For more information about giving permissions, see Giving permissions to Amazon SES for email receiving.
For more information about using KMS with SES, see the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide. If you do not specify a KMS key in the console or API, SES will not encrypt your emails.
Your mail is encrypted by SES using the S3 encryption client before the mail is submitted to S3 for storage. It is not encrypted using S3 server-side encryption. This means that you must use the S3 encryption client to decrypt the email after retrieving it from S3, as the service has no access to use your KMS keys for decryption. This encryption client is available in the AWS SDK for Java
and the AWS SDK for Ruby . For more information, see the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide. -
IAM role – An IAM role used by SES to access the resources in the Deliver to S3 action (Amazon S3 bucket, SNS topic, and KMS key). If not provided, you'll need to explicitly give permissions to SES to access each resource individually—see Giving permissions to Amazon SES for email receiving.
If you want to write to an S3 bucket that exists in a region where SES Email receiving isn't available, you must use an IAM role that has the write to S3 permission policy as an inline policy of the role. You can apply the permission policy for this action directly from the console:
Choose Create new role in the IAM role field and enter a name followed by Create role. (The IAM trust policy for this role will automatically be generated in the background.)
Because the IAM trust policy was automatically generated, you'll only need to add the action's permission policy to the role—select View role under the IAM role field to open the IAM console.
Under the Permissions tab, choose Add permissions and select Create inline policy.
On the Specify permissions page, select JSON in the Policy editor.
Copy and paste the permission policy from IAM role permissions for S3 action into the Policy editor and replace the data in red text with your own. (Be sure to delete any example code in the editor.)
Choose Next.
Review and create your permission policy for the IAM role by choosing Create policy.
Select your browser's tab where you have the SES Create rule–Add actions page open and continue with the remaining steps for creating rules.
SNS topic – The name or ARN of the Amazon SNS topic to notify when an email is saved to the S3 bucket. An example of an SNS topic ARN is arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:MyTopic. You can also create an SNS topic when you set up your action by choosing Create SNS Topic. For more information about SNS topics, see the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.
The SNS topic you choose must be in the same AWS region as the SES endpoint you use to receive email.
Only use customer managed KMS key encryption with SNS topics you associate with SES receipt rules as you will be required to edit the KMS key policy to allow SES to publish to SNS. This is in contrast with AWS managed KMS key policies which cannot be edited by design.