Introduction to Payments
Introduction to Payments
This introduction provides the basic information that you will need to successfully process payment transactions. It also provides an overview of the payments industry and provides workflows for each process.
payment services, you can process payment cards
(tokenized or non-tokenized), digital payments such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, and
customer ID transactions. You can process payments across the globe and across
multiple channels with scalability and security. Cybersource
supports a large number of payment cards and offers a wide choice of gateways and
financial institutions, all through one connection.Visit the
documentation hub to find additional processor-specific versions
of this guide and additional technical documentation.Financial Institutions and Payment Networks
Financial institutions and payment networks enable payment services. These entities work
together to complete the full payment cycle.
Card Types
You can process payments with these kinds of cards:
- Credit cards
- Debit cards
Transaction Types
This topic provides information about transaction types that are supported by your processor, such as card-present, card-not-present, and international transactions.
Payment Services
Various services are used to process
These services enable customers to purchase goods and services. They also enable merchants to
receive payments from customer accounts, to provide refunds, and to void transactions.
Payment Features
You can apply features to different payment services to enhance the customer payment
processing experience. This section includes an overview of these features: