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Setting Up libvirt on Rocky Linux


libvirt is an incredible virtualization API that allows for the virtualization of almost any operating system of your choice with the power of KVM as the hypervisor, and QEMU as the emulator.

This document will provide the instructions for setting up libvirt on Rocky Linux 9.


  • A 64 bit machine running Rocky Linux 9.
  • Ensure the enabling of virtualization in your BIOS settings. If the following command returns output, that means enabling of virtualization is complete:
sudo grep -e 'vmx' /proc/cpuinfo

Repository setup and package installation

  • Enable the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository:
sudo dnf install -y epel-release
  • Install the required packages for libvirt (optionally for virt-manager if you want to use a GUI to manage your VMs):
sudo dnf install -y bridge-utils virt-top libguestfs-tools bridge-utils virt-viewer qemu-kvm libvirt virt-manager virt-install

libvirt user setup

  • Add your user to the libvirt group. This enables the management of your VMs and use commands such as virt-install as a non-root user:
sudo usermod -aG libvirt $USER
  • Activate the libvirt group by using the newgrp command:
sudo newgrp libvirt
  • Enable and start the libvirtd service:
sudo systemctl enable --now libvirtd

Bridge interface setup for direct access to virtual machines

  • Check the current interfaces in use and note down the main interface with an Internet connection:
sudo nmcli connection show
  • Delete the interface connected to the Internet and any virtual bridge connections currently present:
sudo nmcli connection delete <CONNECTION_NAME>


Make sure you have direct access to the machine. If you are configuring the machine over SSH, the connection will be severed after deleting the main interface connection.

  • Create the new bridge connection:
sudo nmcli connection add type bridge autoconnect yes con-name <VIRTUAL_BRIDGE_CON-NAME> ifname <VIRTUAL_BRIDGE_IFNAME>
  • Assign a static IP address:
sudo nmcli connection modify <VIRTUAL_BRIDGE_CON-NAME> ipv4.addresses <STATIC_IP/SUBNET_MASK> ipv4.method manual
  • Assign a gateway address:
sudo nmcli connection modify <VIRTUAL_BRIDGE_CON-NAME> ipv4.gateway <GATEWAY_IP>
  • Assign a DNS address:
sudo nmcli connection modify <VIRTUAL_BRIDGE_CON-NAME> ipv4.dns <DNS_IP>
  • Add the bridge slave connection:
sudo nmcli connection add type bridge-slave autoconnect yes con-name <MAIN_INTERFACE_WITH_INTERNET_ACCESS_CON-NAME> ifname <MAIN_INTERFACE_WITH_INTERNET_ACCESS_IFNAME> master <VIRTUAL_BRIDGE_CON-NAME>
  • Start the bridge connection:
sudo nmcli connection up <VIRTUAL_BRIDGE_CON-NAME>
  • Add the allow all line to bridge.conf:
sudo tee -a /etc/qemu-kvm/bridge.conf <<EOF
allow all
  • Restart the libvirtd service:
sudo systemctl restart libvirtd

Virtual machine installation

  • Set the ownership of the /var/lib/libvirt directory and its nested directories to your user:
sudo chown -R $USER:libvirt /var/lib/libvirt/
  • You can create a virtual machine on the command line by using the virt-install command. For example, to create a Rocky Linux 9.5 Minimal VM, you would run the following command:
virt-install --name Rocky-Linux-9 --ram 4096 --vcpus 4 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/rocky-linux-9.img,size=20 --os-variant rocky9 --network bridge=virbr0,model=virtio --graphics none --console pty,target_type=serial --extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8' --location ~/isos/Rocky-9.5-x86_64-minimal.iso
  • For those that want to manage their VMs via a GUI, virt-manager is the perfect tool.

How to shutdown a virtual machine

  • The shutdown command accomplishes this:
virsh shutdown --domain <YOUR_VM_NAME>
  • To force shutdown an unresponsive VM, use the destroy command:
virsh destroy --domain <YOUR_VM_NAME>

How to delete a virtual machine

  • Use the undefine command:
virsh undefine --domain <YOUR_VM_NAME> --nvram
  • For further virsh commands, check the virsh man pages.


  • libvirt provides many possibilities and allows you to install and manage your virtual machines with ease. If you have further additions or alterations to this document you would like to share, the author kindly invites you to do so.

Author: Howard Van Der Wal

Contributors: Steven Spencer