Remove rows from a table. You can use a WHERE clause to specify which rows should be removed. If you need to use a subquery(s) or additional table(s) to identify the rows to be removed, specify the subquery(s) or table(s) in a USING clause.


Unlike TRUNCATE TABLE, this command does not delete the external file load history. If you delete rows loaded into the table from a staged file, you cannot load the data from that file again unless you modify the file and stage it again.


DELETE FROM <table_name>
            [ USING <additional_table_or_query> [, <additional_table_or_query> ] ]
            [ WHERE <condition> ]

Required parameters¶


Specifies the table from which rows are removed.

Optional parameters¶

USING additional_table_or_query [, ... ]

If you need to refer to additional tables in the WHERE clause to help identify the rows to be removed, then specify those table names in the USING clause. You can also use the USING clause to specify subqueries that identify the rows to be removed.

If you specify a subquery, then put the subquery in parentheses.

If you specify more than one table or query, use a comma to separate them.

WHERE condition

Specifies a condition to use to select rows for removal. If this parameter is omitted, all rows in the table are removed, but the table remains.

Usage notes¶

  • When deleting based on a JOIN (by specifying a USING clause), it is possible that a row in the target table joins against several rows in the USING table(s). If the DELETE condition is satisfied for any of the joined combinations, the target row is deleted.

    For example, given tables tab1 and tab2 with columns (k number, v number):

    select * from tab1;
       k   |   v   |
       0   |   10  |
    Select * from tab2;
       k   |   v   |
       0   |   20  |
       0   |   30  |

    If you run the following query, the row in tab1 is joined against both rows of tab2:

    DELETE FROM tab1 USING tab2 WHERE tab1.k = tab2.k

    Because at least one joined pair satisfies the condition, the row is deleted. As a result, after the statement completes, tab1 is empty.


Suppose that an organization that leases bicycles uses the following tables:

  • The table named leased_bicycles lists the bicycles that were leased out.

  • The table named returned_bicycles lists bicycles that have been returned recently. These bicycles need be removed from the table of leased bicycles.

Create tables:

CREATE TABLE leased_bicycles (bicycle_id INTEGER, customer_id INTEGER);
CREATE TABLE returned_bicycles (bicycle_id INTEGER);

Load data:

INSERT INTO leased_bicycles (bicycle_ID, customer_ID) VALUES
    (101, 1111),
    (102, 2222),
    (103, 3333),
    (104, 4444),
    (105, 5555);
INSERT INTO returned_bicycles (bicycle_ID) VALUES

This example shows how to use the WHERE clause to delete a specified row(s). This example deletes by bicycle_ID:

DELETE FROM leased_bicycles WHERE bicycle_ID = 105;
| number of rows deleted |
|                      1 |

Show the data after the delete:

SELECT * FROM leased_bicycles ORDER BY bicycle_ID;
|        101 |        1111 |
|        102 |        2222 |
|        103 |        3333 |
|        104 |        4444 |

This example shows how to use the USING clause to specify rows to be deleted. This USING clause specifies the returned_bicycles table, which lists the IDs of the bicycles to be deleted from the leased_bicycles table. The WHERE clause joins the leased_bicycles table to the returned_bicycles table, and the rows in leased_bicycles that have the same bicycle_ID as the corresponding rows in returned_bicycles are deleted.

DELETE FROM leased_bicycles 
    USING returned_bicycles
    WHERE leased_bicycles.bicycle_ID = returned_bicycles.bicycle_ID;
TRUNCATE TABLE returned_bicycles;

(To avoid trying to remove the same rows again in the future when it might be unnecessary or inappropriate, the returned_bicycles table is truncated as part of the same transaction.)

Show the data after the delete:

SELECT * FROM leased_bicycles ORDER BY bicycle_ID;
|        101 |        1111 |
|        103 |        3333 |

Now suppose that another bicycle(s) is returned:

INSERT INTO returned_bicycles (bicycle_ID) VALUES (103);

The following query shows a USING clause that contains a subquery (rather than a table) to specify which bicycle_IDs to remove from the leased_bicycles table:

DELETE FROM leased_bicycles 
    USING (SELECT bicycle_ID AS bicycle_ID FROM returned_bicycles) AS returned
    WHERE leased_bicycles.bicycle_ID = returned.bicycle_ID;
TRUNCATE TABLE returned_bicycles;

Show the data after the delete:

SELECT * FROM leased_bicycles ORDER BY bicycle_ID;
|        101 |        1111 |