Willingness to communicate in a foreign/second language (L2 WTC) is now considered an influential variable underlying the second and foreign language learning processes. It is also perceived in terms of a fundamental goal of second language education, because its higher levels result in a greater desire to practise oral communication, bringing about successful language learning. According to the pyramid model of L2 WTC, it is rooted in personality which produces both distal and enduring influences on a student’s verbal behaviour. It can thus be expected that extraversion, a personality dimension identified with energy and enthusiasm and characterised by sensitivity to reward and sociability, is tightly connected with WTC. Indeed, recent empirical research tends to demonstrate that personality (e.g., extraversion) is directly related to L2 WTC, self-perceived proficiency and language anxiety (immediate antecedents of WTC). However, studies have been undertaken in which no direct effect of personality (extraversion) on L2 WTC can be confirmed. The research carried out for the purpose of this chapter demonstrates a modest predictive value of extraversion for L2 WTC levels, caused by a direct impact of this personality trait on the interpersonal nature of a learner’s readiness to communicate in a foreign langue. Its indirect effect, exercised by influencing the immediate WTC antecedents (self-perceived levels of foreign language skills and language anxiety), is also revealed.
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Piechurska-Kuciel, E. (2021). Positive Predictive Value of Extraversion in Diagnosing L2 WTC. In: Zarrinabadi, N., Pawlak, M. (eds) New Perspectives on Willingness to Communicate in a Second Language. Second Language Learning and Teaching. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67634-6_7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67634-6_7
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