=== OptionTree ===
Contributors: valendesigns
Donate link: http://bit.ly/NuXI3T
Tags: admin, theme options, meta boxes, options, admin interface, ajax
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.5
Stable tag: 2.0.8
License: GPLv2
Theme Options UI Builder for WordPress. A simple way to create & save Theme Options and Meta Boxes for free or premium themes.
== Description ==
Theme Options are what make a WordPress Theme truly custom. OptionTree attempts to bridge the gap between developers, designers and end-users by solving the admin User Interface issues that arise when creating a custom theme. Designers shouldn't have to be limited to what they can create visually because their programming skills aren't as developed as they would like. Also, programmers shouldn't have to recreate the wheel for every new project, so in walks OptionTree.
With OptionTree you can create as many Theme Options as your project requires and use them how you see fit. When you add a option to the Settings page, it will be available on the Theme Options page for use in your theme.
Included is the ability to Import/Export all the theme options and data for packaging with custom themes or local development. With the Import/Export feature you can get a theme set up on a live server in minutes. Theme authors can now create different version of their themes and include them with the download. It makes setting up different theme styles & options easier than ever because a theme user installs the plugin and theme and either adds their own settings or imports your defaults.
A new feature in OptionTree 2.0 is the ability to include the plugin directly in your themes root directory. Not only does that mean your theme is guaranteed to have the plugin installed you also get the ability to interact directly with OptionTree through settings and meta box arrays. You can now tell OptionTree what settings you want and know that nobody will break your theme by changing settings through the UI Builder. It's just a better plugin now!
OptionTree is a project sponsored by <a href="http://themeforest.net/?ref=valendesigns">ThemeForest</a>, the largest WordPress theme marketplace on the web, and was originally conceived to help ThemeForest authors quickly power up their themes. But it's here for the benefit of one and all, so option up folks!
== Installation ==
1. Upload `option-tree` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Click the `OptionTree->Documentation` link in the WordPress admin sidebar menu for further setup assistance.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Is this plugin PHP5 only? =
Yes. OptionTree requires PHP5 to work correctly (so does WP 3.2+).
== Screenshots ==
1. Theme Options
2. Settings
3. Documentation
== Changelog ==
= 2.0.8 =
* Add auto import for backwards compatibility of old 1.x files.
* Added the ability to export settings into a fully functional theme-options.php.
* Fix typo in docs regarding the filter demo code.
* Removed slashes in the section and contextual help titles.
* Attempt to align colorpicker inputs for other browsers (needs to be tested).
= 2.0.7 =
* Fixed the load order to be compatible with 1.x version themes that think the get_option_tree() function doesn't exist yet.
* Tested and compatible with Cudazi themes, but the nag message is still visible.
= 2.0.6 =
* Run the 'option_tree' array through validation when importing data and layouts.
* Fix a bug where list items and sliders were not allowing the user to select the input field.
* Add a filter that allows you to not load resources for meta boxes if you're not going to use them.
* Update option-tree.pot file.
= 2.0.5 =
* Change the way the 'option_tree_settings' array validates. Strip out those damn slashes!
= 2.0.4 =
* Run the 'option_tree' array through validation when upgrading from the 1.0 branch to the 2.0 branch for the first time.
* Fix a typo in the slider array where textarea's were not saving the first time due to an incorrect array key.
= 2.0.3 =
* Had an incorrect conditional statement causing an issue where the plugin was attempting to create the 'option-tree' image attachment page, even though it was already created.
* The above also fixed a conflict with 'The Events Calendar' plugin.
= 2.0.2 =
* Added I18n support, let the translations begin. The option-tree.pot file is inside the languages directory.
* Trim whitespace on imported choices array.
* Fixed the CSS insert function not having a value to save.
= 2.0.1 =
* Import from table was not mapping settings correctly. It is now.
= 2.0 =
* Complete rewrite form the ground up.
* Better Theme Options UI Builder.
* New in-plugin documentation.
* Brand new responsive UI.
* Add new option types, most notable the List Item which should eventually replace the Slider.
* Added the simpler ot_get_option() function to eventually replace get_option_tree().
* Added support for Meta Boxes.
* Added Theme Mode where you can now include the plugin directly in your theme.
* Better validation on saved data.
* Simplified the import process.
* Added support for contextual help.
* Permanently move the Theme Option to the Appearance tab.
* Added a ton of filters.
* Made huge improvements to the code base and tested rigorously.
= =
* Removed get_option_tree() in the WordPress admin area due to theme conflicts.
* Removed demo files in the assets folder at the request of WordPress
= 1.1.8 =
* Fixed scrolling issue on extra tall pages
* Added ability to show/hide settings & documentation via the User Profile page.
* Added Background option type.
* Added Typography option type.
* Added CSS option type.
* Better looking selects with 1=Yes,2=No where '1' is the value and 'Yes' is the text in the select.
* Made the AJAX message CSS more prominent.
* functions.load.php will now only load option type functions if viewing an OT admin page.
* Deregistered the custom jQuery UI in the 'Cispm Mail Contact' plugin when viewing an OptionTree page.
* Can now save layouts from the Theme Options page.
* You can now change the slider fields by targeting a specific "Option Key"
* Modified upload for situations where you manually enter a relative path
* Allow get_option_tree() function to be used in WP admin
* Changed permissions to edit_theme_options
= =
* Revert functions.load.php, will fix and update in next version
= 1.1.7 =
* Added layout (theme variation) support with save/delete/activate/import/export capabilities. Contributions form Brian of flauntbooks.com
* Allow layout change on Theme Options page.
* Full Multisite compatibility by manually adding xml mime type for import options.
* Replaced eregi() with preg_match() for 5.3+ compatibility.
* Changed test data in the assets directory for new layout option.
* Made it so when the slider & upload image changes it's reflected on blur.
* Gave the slider image an upload button.
* Added do_action('option_tree_import_data') to option_tree_import_data() function before exit.
* Added do_action('option_tree_array_save') to option_tree_array_save() function before exit.
* Added do_action('option_tree_save_layout') to option_tree_save_layout() function before exit.
* Added do_action('option_tree_delete_layout') to option_tree_delete_layout() function before exit.
* Added do_action('option_tree_activate_layout') to option_tree_activate_layout() function before exit.
* Added do_action('option_tree_import_layout') to option_tree_import_layout() function before redirect.
* Added do_action('option_tree_admin_header') hook before all admin pages.
* Fixed bug where users could add a color without a hash.
* Only load option type function on Theme Options page
* Loading resources with absolute paths, no longer relative.
* Fixed a bug with uploader creating extra option-tree draft pages.
* Fixed slider toggle bug, now the sliders close when you open another or create new slide.
= 1.1.6 =
* Theme Integration added.
* Made the upload XML file ope