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<h2>All-new design</h2>
<p>iOS 7 started with a desire to take an experience people love and make it better. To make it even simpler, more useful, and more enjoyable </p>
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<h2>All-new features</h2>
<p>Control Center, AirDrop for iOS, and smarter multitasking are just a few of the great new features in iOS 7. And all your favorite apps have been enhanced</p>
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<h2>Pixel perfect camera</h2>
<p>iOS 7 started with a desire to take an experience people love and make it better. To make it even simpler, more useful, enjoyable </p>
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<h2>Instant messaging</h2>
<p>Control Center, AirDrop for iOS, and smarter multitasking are just a few of the great new features in iOS 7. And all your favorite apps</p>
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