class IndexAction extends Action {
public function admin_menu_manage_list(){
$adminmenu=M('adminmenu')->where("dev_hidden=1")->order("id asc")->select();
public function add_admin_menu_manage(){
$first_menu=M('adminmenu')->where("parentid=0 and dev_hidden=1")->order("id asc")->select();
public function do_add_admin_menu_manage(){
public function opt_close()
$dao = D("Close");
switch ($_GET['action'])
case 'disaudit' :
if ($_GET['userid'] != '') {
$dao -> query('update ss_close set enabled="0" where id=' . $_GET['userid']);
userLog(session('adminid'), "修改注册用户状态为禁止,用户名:".$username);
$this -> assign('jumpUrl', base64_decode($_REQUEST['return']) . '#' . time());
$this -> success('操作成功');
case 'audit' :
if ($_GET['userid'] != '') {
$dao -> query('update ss_close set enabled="1" where id=' . $_GET['userid']);
userLog(session('adminid'), "修改注册用户状态为启用,用户名:".$username);
$this -> assign('jumpUrl', base64_decode($_REQUEST['return']) . '#' . time());
$this -> success('操作成功');
public function admin_close()
$condition = 'id>0';
$orderby = 'id desc';
$goodnum = D("Close");
$count = $goodnum -> where($condition) -> count();
$listRows = 20;
$linkFront = '';
$p = new Page($count, $listRows, $linkFront);
$goodnums = $goodnum -> limit($p -> firstRow . "," . $p -> listRows) -> where($condition) -> select();
$p -> setConfig('header', '条');
$page = $p -> show();
$this -> assign('page', $page);
$this -> assign('goodnums', $goodnums);
$this -> display();
public function admin_xiubitongji()
$condition = 'id>0';
if ($_GET['start_time'] != '') {
$timeArr = explode("-", $_GET['start_time']);
$unixtime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $timeArr[1], $timeArr[2], $timeArr[0]);
$condition .= ' and addtime>=' . $unixtime;
if ($_GET['end_time'] != '') {
$timeArr = explode("-", $_GET['end_time']);
$unixtime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $timeArr[1], $timeArr[2], $timeArr[0]);
$condition .= ' and addtime<=' . $unixtime;
if ($_GET['keyword'] != '' && $_GET['keyword'] != '请输入用户名') {
$keyuinfo = D("Member") -> where('username="' . $_GET['keyword'] . '"') -> select();
if ($keyuinfo) {
$condition .= ' and uid=' . $keyuinfo[0]['id'];
} else {
$this -> error('没有该用户的记录');
$beandetail = D("Coindetail");
$condition .= ' and giftid="7878" ' ;
$count = $beandetail -> where($condition) -> count();
$listRows = 20;
$linkFront = '';
$p = new Page($count, $listRows, $linkFront);
$orderby = 'sum(coin) desc';
$details = $beandetail -> field('id,uid,touid,sum(coin) as coin,sum(giftcount) as giftcount')->limit($p -> firstRow . "," . $p -> listRows) -> where($condition) -> order($orderby) -> group("uid")->select();
foreach ($details as $n => $val) {
$details[$n]['voo'] = D("Member") -> where('id=' . $val['uid']) -> select();
$p -> setConfig('header', '条');
$page = $p -> show();
$this -> assign('page', $page);
$this -> assign('details', $details);
$this -> display();
public function admin_liwutongji()
$condition = 'id>0';
if ($_GET['start_time'] != '') {
$timeArr = explode("-", $_GET['start_time']);
$unixtime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $timeArr[1], $timeArr[2], $timeArr[0]);
$condition .= ' and addtime>=' . $unixtime;
if ($_GET['end_time'] != '') {
$timeArr = explode("-", $_GET['end_time']);
$unixtime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $timeArr[1], $timeArr[2], $timeArr[0]);
$condition .= ' and addtime<=' . $unixtime;
if ($_GET['keyword'] != '' && $_GET['keyword'] != '请输入用户名') {
$keyuinfo = D("Member") -> where('username="' . $_GET['keyword'] . '"') -> select();
if ($keyuinfo) {
$condition .= ' and uid=' . $keyuinfo[0]['id'];
} else {
$this -> error('没有该用户的记录');
$beandetail = D("Coindetail");
$condition .= ' and giftid="5656" ' ;
$count = $beandetail -> where($condition) -> count();
$listRows = 20;
$linkFront = '';
$p = new Page($count, $listRows, $linkFront);
if($_GET['start_time'] != ''&&$_GET['end_time'] != '')
$orderby = 'sum(coin) desc';
$details = $beandetail -> field('id,uid,touid,sum(coin) as coin,count(uid) as content')->limit($p -> firstRow . "," . $p -> listRows) -> where($condition) -> order($orderby) -> group("uid")->select();
foreach ($details as $n => $val) {
$details[$n]['voo'] = D("Member") -> where('id=' . $val['uid']) -> select();
$p -> setConfig('header', '条');
$page = $p -> show();
$this -> assign('page', $page);
$this -> assign('details', $details);
// $shijian= date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
// $_GET['shijian']=date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
$orderby = 'id desc';
$details = $beandetail -> limit($p -> firstRow . "," . $p -> listRows) -> where($condition) -> order($orderby) -> select();
foreach ($details as $n => $val) {
$details[$n]['voo'] = D("Member") -> where('id=' . $val['uid']) -> select();
$p -> setConfig('header', '条');
$page = $p -> show();
$this -> assign('page', $page);
$this -> assign('details', $details);
$this -> display();
public function admin_famehall()
$condition = 'id>0';
if ($_GET['start_time'] != '') {
$timeArr = explode("-", $_GET['start_time']);
$unixtime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $timeArr[1], $timeArr[2], $timeArr[0]);
$condition .= ' and addtime>=' . $unixtime;
if ($_GET['end_time'] != '') {
$timeArr = explode("-", $_GET['end_time']);
$unixtime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $timeArr[1], $timeArr[2], $timeArr[0]);
$condition .= ' and addtime<=' . $unixtime;
if ($_GET['keyword'] != '' && $_GET['keyword'] != '请输入用户名')
$keyuinfo = D("Member") -> where('username="' . $_GET['keyword'] . '"') -> select();
if ($keyuinfo) {
$condition .= ' and touid=' . $keyuinfo[0]['id'];
} else {
$this -> error('没有该用户的记录');
$beandetail = D("Giveaway");
$orderby = 'sum(content) desc';
$condition .= ' and remark="砸蛋奖励" ' ;
$count = $beandetail -> where($condition) -> count();
$listRows = 20;
$linkFront = '';
$p = new Page($
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