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<h1><a name="01d1_0001">CHAPTER 10: ALGORITHM DESIGN TECHNIQUES<a name="01d1_0001"></h1><P>
So far, we have been concerned with the efficient implementation of algorithms. We have seen that when an algorithm is given, the actual data structures need not be specified. It is up to the programmer to choose the approriate data structure in order to make the running time as small as possible.<P>
In this chapter, we switch our attention from the <I>implementation</I> of algorithms to the <I>design</I> of algorithms. Most of the algorithms that we have seen so far are straightforward and simple. <A ="algo01b4.htm#01B4_02AD">Chapter 9</A> contains some algorithms that are much more subtle, and some require an argument (in some cases lengthy) to show that they are indeed correct. In this chapter, we will focus on five of the common types of algorithms used to solve problems. For many problems, it is quite likely that at least one of these methods will work. Specifically, for each type of algorithm we will<P>
<img src="../images/dot12.gif"> See the general approach.<P>
<img src="../images/dot12.gif"> Look at several examples (the exercises at the end of the chapter provide many more examples).<P>
<img src="../images/dot12.gif"> Discuss, in general terms, the time and space complexity, where appropriate.<P>
<h1><a name="01d3_0391">10.1. Greedy Algorithms<a name="01d3_0391"></h1><P>
<a name="01d3_038d"><a name="01d3_038e">The first type of algorithm we will examine is the <I>greedy algorithm</I>. We have already seen three greedy algorithms in Chapter 9: Dijkstra's, Prim's, and Kruskal's algorithms. Greedy algorithms work in phases. In each phase, a decision is made that appears to be good, without regard for future consequences. Generally, this means that some <I>local</I> <I>optimum</I> is chosen. This "take what you can get now" strategy is the source of the name for this class of algorithms. When the algorithm terminates, we hope that the local optimum is equal to the <I>global optimum</I>. If this is the case, then the algorithm is correct; otherwise, the algorithm has produced a suboptimal solution. If the absolute best answer is not required, then simple greedy algorithms are sometimes used to generate approximate answers, rather than using the more complicated algorithms generally required to generate an exact answer. <P>
<a name="01d3_038f"><a name="01d3_0390">There are several real-life examples of greedy algorithms. The most obvious is the coin-changing problem. To make change in U.S. currency, we repeatedly dispense the largest denomination. Thus, to give out seventeen dollars and sixty-one cents in change, we give out a ten-dollar bill, a five-dollar bill, two one-dollar bills, two quarters, one dime, and one penny. By doing this, we are guaranteed to minimize the number of bills and coins. This algorithm does not work in all monetary systems, but fortunately, we can prove that it does work in the American monetary system. Indeed, it works even if two-dollar bills and fifty-cent pieces are allowed.<P>
Traffic problems provide an example where making locally optimal choices does not always work. For example, during certain rush hour times in Miami, it is best to stay off the prime streets even if they look empty, because traffic will come to a standstill a mile down the road, and you will be stuck. Even more shocking, it is better in some cases to make a temporary detour in the direction opposite your destination in order to avoid all traffic bottlenecks.<P>
In the remainder of this section, we will look at several applications that use greedy algorithms. The first application is a simple scheduling problem. Virtually all scheduling problems are either <I>NP</I>-complete (or of similar difficult complexity) or are solvable by a greedy algorithm. The second application deals with file compression and is one of the earliest results in computer science. Finally, we will look at an example of a greedy approximation algorithm.<P>
<h2><a name="01d4_0394">10.1.1. A Simple Scheduling Problem<a name="01d4_0394"></h2><P>
<a name="01d4_0391"><a name="01d4_0392"><a name="01d4_0393">We are given jobs <I>j</I><SUB>1</SUB>, <I>j</I><SUB>2</SUB>, . . . , <I>j<SUB>n</I></SUB>, all with known running times <I>t</I><SUB>1</SUB>, <I>t</I><SUB>2</SUB>, . . . , <I>t<SUB>n</I></SUB>, respectively. We have a single processor. What is the best way to schedule these jobs in order to minimize the average completion time? In this entire section, we will assume <I>nonpreemptive scheduling</I>: Once a job is started, it must run to completion.<P>
As an example, suppose we have the four jobs and associated running times shown in <A ="algo01d4.htm#01D4_0397">Figure 10.1</A>. One possible schedule is shown in <A ="algo01d4.htm#01D4_0398">Figure 10.2</A>. Because <I>j</I><SUB>1</SUB> finishes in 15 (time units), <I>j</I><SUB>2</SUB> in 23, <I>j</I><SUB>3</SUB> in 26, and <I>j</I><SUB>4</SUB> in 36, the average completion time is 25. A better schedule, which yields a mean completion time of 17.75, is shown in <A ="algo01d4.htm#01D4_0399">Figure 10.3</A>.<P>
The schedule given in <A ="algo01d4.htm#01D4_0399">Figure 10.3</A> is arranged by shortest job first. We can show that this will always yield an optimal schedule. Let the jobs in the schedule be <I>j<SUB>i</I>1</SUB>, <I>j<SUB>i</I>2</SUB>, . . . , <I>j<SUB>in</I></SUB>. The first job finishes in time <I>t<SUB>i</I>1</SUB>. The second job finishes after <I>t<SUB>i</I>1</SUB> + <I>t<SUB>i</I>2</SUB>, and the third job finishes after <I>t<SUB>i</I>1</SUB> + <I>t<SUB>i</I>2</SUB> + <I>t<SUB>i</I>3</SUB>. From this, we see that the total cost, C, of the schedule is<P>
<img src="346_a.gif"><P>
<h4><a name="01d4_0395">(10.1)<a name="01d4_0395"></h4><P>
<img src="346_b.gif"><P>
<h4><a name="01d4_0396">(10.2)<a name="01d4_0396"></h4><P>
<pre>Job Time</sub></pre><P>
<pre><I> j</I><SUB>1 15</SUB> </sub></pre><P>
<pre><I> j</I><SUB>2 8</SUB> </sub></pre><P>
<pre><I> j</I><SUB>3 3</SUB> </sub></pre><P>
<pre><I> j</I><SUB>4 10</SUB> </sub></pre><P>
<h4><a name="01d4_0397">Figure 10.1 Jobs and times<a name="01d4_0397"></h4><P>
<img src="347_a.gif"><P>
<h4><a name="01d4_0398">Figure 10.2 Schedule #1<a name="01d4_0398"></h4><P>
<img src="347_b.gif"><P>
<h4><a name="01d4_0399">Figure 10.3 Schedule #2 (optimal)<a name="01d4_0399"></h4><P>
Notice that in <A ="algo01d4.htm#01D4_0396">Equation (10.2)</A>, the first sum is independent of the job ordering, so only the second sum affects the total cost. Suppose that in an ordering there exists some <I>x</I> > <I>y</I> such that <I>t<SUB>ix</I></SUB> < <I>t<SUB>iy</I></SUB>. Then a calculation shows that by swapping <I>j<SUB>ix</I></SUB> and <I>j<SUB>iy</I></SUB>, the second sum increases, decreasing the total cost. Thus, any schedule of jobs in which the times are not monotonically nonincreasing must be suboptimal. The only schedules left are those in which the jobs are arranged by smallest running time first, breaking ties arbitrarily.<P>
This result indicates the reason the operating system scheduler generally gives precedence to shorter jobs.<P>
<h3>The Multiprocessor Case</h3><P>
We can extend this problem to the case of several processors. Again we have jobs <I>j</I><SUB>1</SUB>, <I>j</I><SUB>2</SUB>, . . . , <I>j<SUB>n</I></SUB>, with associated running times <I>t</I><SUB>1</SUB>, <I>t</I><SUB>2</SUB>, . . . , <I>