Copyright 2016 Max Planck Society, Federica Bogo, Angjoo Kanazawa. All rights reserved.
This software is provided for research purposes only.
By using this software you agree to the terms of the SMPLify license here:
About this Script:
This is a demo version of the algorithm implemented in the paper,
which fits the SMPL body model to the image given the joint detections.
The code is organized to be run on the LSP dataset.
See README to see how to download images and the detected joints.
from os.path import join, exists, abspath, dirname
from os import makedirs
import logging
import pickle
# import cPickle as pickle
from time import time
from glob import glob
import argparse
import cv2
import numpy as np
import chumpy as ch
from opendr.camera import ProjectPoints
from lib.robustifiers import GMOf
from smpl_webuser.serialization import load_model
from smpl_webuser.lbs import global_rigid_transformation
from smpl_webuser.verts import verts_decorated
from lib.sphere_collisions import SphereCollisions
from lib.max_mixture_prior import MaxMixtureCompletePrior
from render_model import render_model
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Mapping from LSP joints to SMPL joints.
# 0 Right ankle 8
# 1 Right knee 5
# 2 Right hip 2
# 3 Left hip 1
# 4 Left knee 4
# 5 Left ankle 7
# 6 Right wrist 21
# 7 Right elbow 19
# 8 Right shoulder 17
# 9 Left shoulder 16
# 10 Left elbow 18
# 11 Left wrist 20
# 12 Neck -
# 13 Head top added
# --------------------Camera estimation --------------------
def guess_init(model, focal_length, j2d, init_pose):
"""Initialize the camera translation via triangle similarity, by using the torso joints .
:param model: SMPL model
:param focal_length: camera focal length (kept fixed)
:param j2d: 14x2 array of CNN joints
:param init_pose: 72D vector of pose parameters used for initialization (kept fixed)
:returns: 3D vector corresponding to the estimated camera translation
cids = np.arange(0, 12)
# map from LSP to SMPL joints
j2d_here = j2d[cids]
smpl_ids = [8, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 21, 19, 17, 16, 18, 20]
opt_pose = ch.array(init_pose)
(_, A_global) = global_rigid_transformation(
opt_pose, model.J, model.kintree_table, xp=ch)
Jtr = ch.vstack([g[:3, 3] for g in A_global])
Jtr = Jtr[smpl_ids].r
# 9 is L shoulder, 3 is L hip
# 8 is R shoulder, 2 is R hip
diff3d = np.array([Jtr[9] - Jtr[3], Jtr[8] - Jtr[2]])
mean_height3d = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum(diff3d**2, axis=1)))
diff2d = np.array([j2d_here[9] - j2d_here[3], j2d_here[8] - j2d_here[2]])
mean_height2d = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum(diff2d**2, axis=1)))
est_d = focal_length * (mean_height3d / mean_height2d)
# just set the z value
init_t = np.array([0., 0., est_d])
return init_t
def initialize_camera(model,
"""Initialize camera translation and body orientation
:param model: SMPL model
:param j2d: 14x2 array of CNN joints
:param img: h x w x 3 image
:param init_pose: 72D vector of pose parameters used for initialization
:param flength: camera focal length (kept fixed)
:param pix_thsh: threshold (in pixel), if the distance between shoulder joints in 2D
is lower than pix_thsh, the body orientation as ambiguous (so a fit is run on both
the estimated one and its flip)
:param viz: boolean, if True enables visualization during optimization
:returns: a tuple containing the estimated camera,
a boolean deciding if both the optimized body orientation and its flip should be considered,
3D vector for the body orientation
# optimize camera translation and body orientation based on torso joints
# LSP torso ids:
# 2=right hip, 3=left hip, 8=right shoulder, 9=left shoulder
torso_cids = [2, 3, 8, 9]
# corresponding SMPL torso ids
torso_smpl_ids = [2, 1, 17, 16]
center = np.array([img.shape[1] / 2, img.shape[0] / 2])
# initialize camera rotation
rt = ch.zeros(3)
# initialize camera translation
_LOGGER.info('initializing translation via similar triangles')
init_t = guess_init(model, flength, j2d, init_pose)
t = ch.array(init_t)
# check how close the shoulder joints are
try_both_orient = np.linalg.norm(j2d[8] - j2d[9]) < pix_thsh
opt_pose = ch.array(init_pose)
(_, A_global) = global_rigid_transformation(
opt_pose, model.J, model.kintree_table, xp=ch)
Jtr = ch.vstack([g[:3, 3] for g in A_global])
# initialize the camera
cam = ProjectPoints(
f=np.array([flength, flength]), rt=rt, t=t, k=np.zeros(5), c=center)
# we are going to project the SMPL joints
cam.v = Jtr
if viz:
viz_img = img.copy()
# draw the target (CNN) joints
for coord in np.around(j2d).astype(int):
if (coord[0] < img.shape[1] and coord[0] >= 0 and
coord[1] < img.shape[0] and coord[1] >= 0):
cv2.circle(viz_img, tuple(coord), 3, [0, 255, 0])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# draw optimized joints at each iteration
def on_step(_):
"""Draw a visualization."""
plt.figure(1, figsize=(5, 5))
plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
viz_img = img.copy()
for coord in np.around(cam.r[torso_smpl_ids]).astype(int):
if (coord[0] < viz_img.shape[1] and coord[0] >= 0 and
coord[1] < viz_img.shape[0] and coord[1] >= 0):
cv2.circle(viz_img, tuple(coord), 3, [0, 0, 255])
plt.imshow(viz_img[:, :, ::-1])
on_step = None
# optimize for camera translation and body orientation
free_variables = [cam.t, opt_pose[:3]]
# data term defined over torso joints...
{'cam': j2d[torso_cids] - cam[torso_smpl_ids],
# ...plus a regularizer for the camera translation
'cam_t': 1e2 * (cam.t[2] - init_t[2])},
options={'maxiter': 100,
'e_3': .0001,
# disp set to 1 enables verbose output from the optimizer
'disp': 0})
if viz:
return (cam, try_both_orient, opt_pose[:3].r)
# --------------------Core optimization --------------------
def optimize_on_joints(j2d,
"""Fit the model to the given set of joints, given the estimated camera
:param j2d: 14x2 array of CNN joints
:param model: SMPL model
:param cam: estimated camera
:param img: h x w x 3 image
:param prior: mixture of gaussians pose prior
:param try_both_orient: boolean, if True both body_orient and its flip are considered for the fit
:param body_orient: 3D vector, initialization for the body orientation
:param n_betas: number of shape coefficients considered during optimization
:param regs: regressors for capsules' axis and radius, if not None enables the interpenetration error term
:param conf: 14D vector storing the confidence values from the CNN
:param viz: boolean, if True enables visualization during optimization
:returns: a tuple containing the optimized model, its joints projected on image space,
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【资源说明】 课设项目-基于python实现的人体动作捕捉与三维重建源码+操作说明.zip 进入 `code` 目录: ```bashrc $ sudo apt-get install libosmesa6-dev $ pip3 install opendr==0.78 $ pip3 install pyrender trimesh ``` ## 运行 smpl ```bashrc $ cd code $ python hello_smpl.py ``` ## 运行 smplify ```bashrc $ cd code $ python fit_3d.py ``` 【备注】 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用! 2、本项目适合计算机相关专业(如计科、人工智能、通信工程、自动化、电子信息等)的在校学生、老师或者企业员工下载使用,也适合小白学习进阶,当然也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、作业、项目初期立项演示等。 3、如果基础还行,也可在此代码基础上进行修改,以实现其他功能,也可直接用于毕设、课设、作业等。 欢迎下载,沟通交流,互相学习,共同进步!
课设项目-基于python实现的人体动作捕捉与三维重建源码+操作说明.zip (2000个子文件)
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