* TimThumb by Ben Gillbanks and Mark Maunder
* Based on work done by Tim McDaniels and Darren Hoyt
* http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/
* GNU General Public License, version 2
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* Examples and documentation available on the project homepage
* http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/projects/timthumb/
* $Rev$
* --- TimThumb CONFIGURATION ---
* To edit the configs it is best to create a file called timthumb-config.php
* and define variables you want to customize in there. It will automatically be
* loaded by timthumb. This will save you having to re-edit these variables
* everytime you download a new version
define ('VERSION', '2.8.13'); // Version of this script
//Load a config file if it exists. Otherwise, use the values below
if( file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/timthumb-config.php')) require_once('timthumb-config.php');
if(! defined('DEBUG_ON') ) define ('DEBUG_ON', false); // Enable debug logging to web server error log (STDERR)
if(! defined('DEBUG_LEVEL') ) define ('DEBUG_LEVEL', 1); // Debug level 1 is less noisy and 3 is the most noisy
if(! defined('MEMORY_LIMIT') ) define ('MEMORY_LIMIT', '30M'); // Set PHP memory limit
if(! defined('BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS') ) define ('BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS', false); // If the image or webshot is being loaded on an external site, display a red "No Hotlinking" gif.
if(! defined('DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGES') ) define ('DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGES', true); // Display error messages. Set to false to turn off errors (good for production websites)
//Image fetching and caching
if(! defined('ALLOW_EXTERNAL') ) define ('ALLOW_EXTERNAL', TRUE); // Allow image fetching from external websites. Will check against ALLOWED_SITES if ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES is false
if(! defined('ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES') ) define ('ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES', TRUE); // Less secure.
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_ENABLED') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_ENABLED', TRUE); // Should we store resized/modified images on disk to speed things up?
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS')) define ('FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS', 86400); // How often the cache is cleaned
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE', 86400); // How old does a file have to be to be deleted from the cache
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX', '.timthumb.txt'); // What to put at the end of all files in the cache directory so we can identify them
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_PREFIX') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_PREFIX', 'timthumb'); // What to put at the beg of all files in the cache directory so we can identify them
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY', './cache'); // Directory where images are cached. Left blank it will use the system temporary directory (which is better for security)
if(! defined('MAX_FILE_SIZE') ) define ('MAX_FILE_SIZE', 10485760); // 10 Megs is 10485760. This is the max internal or external file size that we'll process.
if(! defined('CURL_TIMEOUT') ) define ('CURL_TIMEOUT', 20); // Timeout duration for Curl. This only applies if you have Curl installed and aren't using PHP's default URL fetching mechanism.
if(! defined('WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS') ) define ('WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS', 3600); // Time to wait between errors fetching remote file
//Browser caching
if(! defined('BROWSER_CACHE_MAX_AGE') ) define ('BROWSER_CACHE_MAX_AGE', 864000); // Time to cache in the browser
if(! defined('BROWSER_CACHE_DISABLE') ) define ('BROWSER_CACHE_DISABLE', false); // Use for testing if you want to disable all browser caching
//Image size and defaults
if(! defined('MAX_WIDTH') ) define ('MAX_WIDTH', 1500); // Maximum image width
if(! defined('MAX_HEIGHT') ) define ('MAX_HEIGHT', 1500); // Maximum image height
if(! defined('NOT_FOUND_IMAGE') ) define ('NOT_FOUND_IMAGE', ''); // Image to serve if any 404 occurs
if(! defined('ERROR_IMAGE') ) define ('ERROR_IMAGE', ''); // Image to serve if an error occurs instead of showing error message
if(! defined('PNG_IS_TRANSPARENT') ) define ('PNG_IS_TRANSPARENT', FALSE); // Define if a png image should have a transparent background color. Use False value if you want to display a custom coloured canvas_colour
if(! defined('DEFAULT_Q') ) define ('DEFAULT_Q', 90); // Default image quality. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php
if(! defined('DEFAULT_ZC') ) define ('DEFAULT_ZC', 1); // Default zoom/crop setting. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php
if(! defined('DEFAULT_F') ) define ('DEFAULT_F', ''); // Default image filters. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php
if(! defined('DEFAULT_S') ) define ('DEFAULT_S', 0); // Default sharpen value. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php
if(! defined('DEFAULT_CC') ) define ('DEFAULT_CC', 'ffffff'); // Default canvas colour. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php
if(! defined('DEFAULT_WIDTH') ) define ('DEFAULT_WIDTH', 100); // Default thumbnail width. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php
if(! defined('DEFAULT_HEIGHT') ) define ('DEFAULT_HEIGHT', 100); // Default thumbnail height. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php
* Additional Parameters:
* LOCAL_FILE_BASE_DIRECTORY = Override the DOCUMENT_ROOT. This is best used in timthumb-config.php
//Image compression is enabled if either of these point to valid paths
//These are now disabled by default because the file sizes of PNGs (and GIFs) are much smaller than we used to generate.
//They only work for PNGs. GIFs and JPEGs are not affected.
if(! defined('OPTIPNG_ENABLED') ) define ('OPTIPNG_ENABLED', false);
if(! defined('OPTIPNG_PATH') ) define ('OPTIPNG_PATH', '/usr/bin/optipng'); //This will run first because it gives better compression than pngcrush.
if(! defined('PNGCRUSH_ENABLED') ) define ('PNGCRUSH_ENABLED', false);
if(! defined('PNGCRUSH_PATH') ) define ('PNGCRUSH_PATH', '/usr/bin/pngcrush'); //This will only run if OPTIPNG_PATH is not set or is not valid
-------====Website Screenshots configuration - BETA====-------
If you just want image thumbnails and don't want website screenshots, you can safely leave this as is.
If you would like to get website screenshots set up, you will need root access to your own server.
Enable ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES so you can fetch any external web page. This is more secure now that we're using a non-web folder for cache.
Enable BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS so that your site doesn't generate thumbnails for the whole Internet.
Instructions to get website screenshots enabled on Ubuntu Linux:
1. Install Xvfb with the following command: sudo apt-get install subversion libqt4-webkit libqt4-dev g++ xvfb
2. Go to a directory where you can download some code
3. Check-out the latest version of CutyCapt with the following command: svn co https://cutycapt.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cutycapt
4. Compile CutyCapt by doing: cd cutycapt/CutyCapt
5. qmake
6. make
7. cp CutyCapt /usr/local/bin/
8. Test it by running: xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" CutyCapt --url="http://markmaunder.com/" --out=test.png
9. If you get a file called test.png with something in it, it probably worked. Now test the script by accessing it as follows:
10. http://yoursite.com/path/to/timthumb.php?src=
Notes on performance:
The first time a webshot loads, it will take a few seconds.
From then on it uses the regular timthumb caching mechanism with the configurable options above
and loading will be very fast.
If you'd like a slight speedup (about 25%) and you know Linux, you can run the following command which will keep Xvfb ru
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