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The Salsa20 family of stream ciphers.pdf
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The Salsa20 family of stream ciphers; Salsa20 is a family of 256-bit stream ciphers designed in 2005 and submitted to eSTREAM, the ECRYPT Stream Cipher Project. Salsa20 has progressed to the third round of eSTREAM without any changes. The 20-round stream cipher Salsa20/20 is consistently faster than
The Salsa20 family of stream ciphers
Daniel J. Bernstein
Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science (M/C 249)
The University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL 60607–7045
Abstract. Salsa20 is a family of 256-bit stream ciphers designed in 2005
and submitted to eSTREAM, the ECRYPT Stream Cipher Project.
Salsa20 has progressed to the third round of eSTREAM without any
changes. The 20-round stream cipher Salsa20/20 is consistently faster
than AES and is recommended by the designer for typical cryptographic
applications. The reduced-round ciphers Salsa20/12 and Salsa20/8 are
among the fastest 256-bit stream ciphers available and are recommended
for applications where speed is more important than confidence. The
fastest known attacks use ⇡ 2
simple operations against Salsa20/7,
⇡ 2
simple operations against Salsa20/8, and ⇡ 2
simple operations
against Salsa20/9, Salsa20/10, etc. In this pape r, the Salsa20 designer
presents Salsa20 and discusses the decisions made in the Salsa20 design.
1 Introduction
A sender and receiver share a short secret key. They use the secret key to encrypt
a series of messages. A message could be short, just a few bytes, but it could be
much longer, perhaps gigabytes. The series of messages could be short, just one
message, but it could be much longer, perhaps billions of messages.
The sender and receiver encrypt messages using an encryption function:a
function that produces the first ciphertext from the key and the first plaintext,
that produces the second ciphertext from the key and the second plaintext, etc.
An encryption function has to be fast. Many senders have to encrypt large
volumes of data in very little time using limited resources. Many receivers are
faced with even larger volumes of data—not just the legitimate messages but
also a flood of forgery attempts. A slow encryption function can satisfy some
senders and receivers, but my focus is on encryption functions suitable for a
wider range of applications.
An encryption function also has to be secure. Many users are facing, or at
least think that they are facing, years of cryptanalytic computations by well-
funded attackers equipped with millions of fast parallel processors. Some users
Permanent ID of this document: 31364286077dcdff8e4509f9ff3139ad. Date of this
document: 2007.12.25. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation
under grants CCR–9983950 and ITR–0716498, and by the Alfred P. Sloan Founda-
Salsa20 Salsa20/8 Salsa20/12 Salsa20/20
Arch MHz Machine software long 576 long 576 long 576
amd64 3000 Xeon 5160 (6f6) amd64-xmm6 1.88 2.07 2.80 3.25 3.93 4.25
amd64 2137 Core 2 Duo (6f6) amd64-xmm6 1.88 2.07 2.57 2.80 3.91 4.33
ppc32 533 PowerPC G4 7410 ppc-altivec 1.99 2.14 2.74 2.88 4.24 4.39
x86 2137 Core 2 Duo (6f6) x86-xmm5 2.06 2.28 2.80 3.15 4.32 4.70
amd64 2000 Athlon 64 X2 (15,75,2) amd64-3 3.47 3.65 4.86 5.04 7.64 7.84
ppc64 2000 PowerPC G5 970 ppc-altivec 3.28 3.48 4.83 4.87 7.82 8.04
amd64 2391 Opteron (f5a) amd64-3 3.78 3.96 5.33 5.51 8.42 8.62
amd64 2192 Opteron (f58) amd64-3 3.82 4.18 5.35 5.73 8.42 8.78
x86 2000 Athlon 64 X2 (15,75,2) x86-1 4.50 4.78 6.27 6.55 9.80 10.07
x86 900 Athlon (622) x86-athlon 4.61 4.84 6.44 6.65 10.04 10.24
ppc64 1452 POWER4 merged 6.83 7.00 8.35 8.51 11.29 11.47
hppa 1000 PA-RISC 8900 merged 5.82 5.97 7.68 7.85 11.39 11.56
amd64 3000 Pentium D (f64) amd64-xmm6 5.38 5.87 7.19 7.84 10.69 11.73
x86 1300 Pentium M (695) x86-xmm5 5.30 5.53 7.44 7.70 11.70 11.98
x86 3000 Xeon (f26) x86-xmm5 5.30 5.86 7.41 8.21 11.64 12.55
x86 3200 Xeon (f25) x86-xmm5 5.30 5.84 7.40 8.15 11.63 12.59
x86 2800 Xeon (f29) x86-xmm5 5.33 5.95 7.44 8.20 11.67 12.65
x86 3000 Pentium 4 (f41) x86-xmm5 5.76 6.92 8.12 9.33 11.84 13.40
x86 1400 Pentium III (6b1) x86-mmx 6.37 6.79 8.88 9.29 13.88 14.29
sparc 1050 UltraSPARC IV sparc 6.65 6.76 9.21 9.33 14.34 14.45
x86 3200 Pentium D (f47) x86-athlon 7.13 7.66 9.90 10.31 15.29 15.94
ia64 1500 Itanium II merged 8.49 8.87 12.42 12.62 18.07 18.27
ia64 1400 Itanium II merged 8.28 8.65 12.56 12.76 18.21 18.40
Table 1.1. Salsa20 software speeds; measured by the official eSTREAM benchmarking
framework; sorted by final column. “576” means single-core cycles/byte to encrypt a
576-byte packet; “long” means single-core cycles/byte to encrypt a long stream.
are satisfied with lower levels of security, but again my focus is on encryption
functions suitable for a wider range of applications.
There is a conflict between these desiderata. One can reasonably conjecture,
for example, that every function that encrypts data in 0.5 Core-2 cycles/byte
is breakable. One can also conjecture that almost every function that encrypts
data in 5 Core-2 cycles/byte is breakable. On the other hand, several unbroken
submissions to eSTREAM, the ECRYPT Stream Cipher Project, encrypt data
in fewer than 5 Core-2 cycles/byte.
In particular, my 20-round stream cipher Salsa20/20 encrypts data in 3.93
Core-2 cycles/byte. (For comparison: Matsui and Nakajima recently reported 9.2
Core-2 cycles/byte for 10-round AES using a pre-expanded 128-bit key. See [18].)
The fastest known attack against Salsa20/20 is a 256-bit brute-force search. I
recommend Salsa20/20 for encryption in typical cryptographic applications.
Reduced-round ciphers in the Salsa20 family are attractive options for users
who value speed more highly than confidence. The 12-round stream cipher
Salsa20/12 encrypts data in 2.80 Core-2 cycles /byte; the fastest known attack
against Salsa20/12 is a 256-bit brute-force search. The 8-round stream cipher
Salsa20/8 encrypts data in 1.88 Core-2 cycles/byte; as discussed in Section 5,
papers by several cryptanalysts have culminated in an attack against Salsa20/8
taking “only” 2
operations, but this is far beyond any computation that will
be carried out in the foreseeable future. Perhaps better attacks will be developed,
but competing ciphers at similar speeds seem to be much more easily broken!
I hadn’t heard of the Core 2 when I designed Salsa20. I was aiming for high
speed on a wide variety of platforms; I don’t find it surprising that Salsa20 is
able to take advantage of a new platform. Table 1.1 shows Salsa20’s software
speeds on various CPUs.
This paper defines Salsa20 and explains the decisions that I made in the
Salsa20 design. Section 2 disc usse s the selection of low-level operations used
in Salsa20—a deliberately limited set, in particular with no S-boxes. Section 3
discusses the high-level data flow in Salsa20—again quite limited, in particular
with no communication across blocks aside from a simple block counter. Section
4 discusses the middle-level structure of Salsa20. Section 5 reviews known attacks
on Salsa20.
2 Low level: Which operations are used?
2.1 What does Salsa20 do?
The Salsa20 encryption function is a long chain of three simple operations on
32-bit words:
• 32-bit addition, producing the sum a + b mod 2
of two 32-bit words a, b;
• 32-bit exclusive-or, producing the xor a b of two 32-bit words a, b; and
• constant-distance 32-bit rotation, producing the rotation a<<<bof a 32-bit
word a by b bits to the left, where b is constant.
On occasion I encounter the superstitious notion that these ope rations are
“too simple.” In fact, these operations can easily simulate any circuit, and are
therefore capable of reaching the sam e security level as any other selection of
operations. The real question for the cipher designer is whether a di↵erent mix
of operations could achieve the same security level at higher speed.
2.2 Should there be integer multiplications?
Some popular CPUs can quickly compute xy mod 2
, given x, y. Some ciphers
are designed to take advantage of this operation. Sometimes one of x, y is a
constant; sometimes x, y are both variables.
The basic argument for integer multiplication is that the output bits are
complicated functions of the input bits, mixing the inputs more thoroughly than
a few simple integer operations.
The basic counterargument is that integer multiplication takes several cycles
on the fastest CPUs, and many more cycles on other CPUs. For comparison, a
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