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Every avid independent filmmaker has <b>Bold</b> about making that <i>Italic</i> interest documentary,
or short
film to show off their creative prowess. Many have great ideas and want to “wow”
the<sup>Superscript</sup> scene,
or video renters with their big project. But once you have the<sub>Subscript</sub> “in the can” (no easy
feat), how
do you move from a <del>Strike</del> through of master DVDs with the <u>“Underline”</u> marked
hand-written title
inside a secondhand CD case, to a pile of cardboard boxes full of shiny new, retail-ready DVDs, with UPC
and polywrap sitting on your doorstep? You need to create eye-popping artwork and have your project
Using a reputable full service DVD Replication company like PacificDisc, Inc. to partner with is
certainly a
helpful option to ensure a professional end result, but to help with your DVD replication project, here
are 4 easy
steps to follow for good DVD replication results:
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